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  1. mrdrywall

    Should I remove lower branches during flowering?

    me and a lot of people on here dont trim anything after 2wks of flower
  2. mrdrywall

    looking for a good US friendly seed bank

    agreed never used sannies but have the other 2, stealth on both dont use nirvana anymore because of quality but they r cheap and will get u ohio by the way
  3. mrdrywall

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    lifes too short, read the first and last page of this thread,ill never get that time back
  4. mrdrywall

    HELP! Question about sex- (No, not that kind of sex you perv)

    buy fem seeds ,i was gettin bad results with nirvana seeds, lotta males so i bought some fems and pollenated my own. seeds are way better, almost all pop and gettin way better female to male count now
  5. mrdrywall

    Lighting advice

    i dont know either never heard of hpi, google a hygro store call em and ask they will know exactly what u got. i use plantlighting
  6. mrdrywall

    could use a quick answer before bed

    mo doubt ,in the beginnig i burt a couple of mine,rest of the plant turned out fine
  7. mrdrywall

    How long you vegging for?

    i like 2 months ,lets em bush up pretty good and im runnin 3 1000w hoods so plenty of light for flower, could probly get away with 1 1/2 months
  8. mrdrywall

    whats the best way to dry

    no doubt not havin a month to cure,this shit goes as fast as i can harvest, id like to try it if i ever catch up with my customers. i dry for like 5 days put in a jar for a day then out for a half day then its gone
  9. mrdrywall

    HELP! FIRST GROW- how long for a male to produce pollen so I can collect some?

    hers the keywords; seed production a tutorial
  10. mrdrywall

    HELP! FIRST GROW- how long for a male to produce pollen so I can collect some?

    i dont know exactly how long it takes to get pollen, i usually get it after a couple of the sacs pop open.if u polenate one or 2 bottom buds u will get way more then 20 seeds and top of plant still puts out killer bud.good thread on here called making seeds check it out all his info is on the money
  11. mrdrywall

    What is better for Veg HPS or T5s

    ive been veggin with flouros for 2 years.asked about the t5 at my hydro store and they told me thats the best there is for veg, way better than hps or mh
  12. mrdrywall

    Easy to grow ? Good for beginners ? What seeds ?

    nirvana super skunk puts ouy great frosty buds tops and clones well. keep in mind nirvana seeds suck but the ones u actually get to germ will be enough to get u started then make ur own
  13. mrdrywall

    white widow

    looks like bud to me in the first pic. other ones kinda shitty cant see good. try turning a reg light on right and take pics before your grow lights come on for the 12 and u will get good pics
  14. mrdrywall

    What yall smokin on? pics n stuff.

    got some super lemon haze ready soon, ill post pics if i remember. usually post on a thread called whos got the frostiest buds. check it out been runnin awhile. another one i post at is bud porn.
  15. mrdrywall

    TOP TORRENT DOWNLOADS - Share your most wanted apps/movies/music here! great downloads of software,movies,games,music only site i really use
  16. mrdrywall

    TOP TORRENT DOWNLOADS - Share your most wanted apps/movies/music here!

    just watched the video, great footage. any of you bleedin hearts remember the towers surely they r not over there cryin about us. ha ha wish we could do that on all the streets over there !!! go usa!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. mrdrywall

    Good website for grow lights?

    agreed. thats where i get all my shit,great place and they know what they r selling, always get an answer to any questions i have. ive checked all over and cant find any cheaper prices even ebay. ocean forest 14 bucks a bag. 20 to 30 anywhere else.just got a magnumxxxl 1000 w hood for 189
  18. mrdrywall

    Florida Growers Thread

    yea im gettin outta here,i can make way more there and no snow.just have to find a good landlord.own the house here so no worries.
  19. mrdrywall

    Florida Growers Thread

    damn i get lbs of good commercial for 1350 in cleve.wish i had some pa customers. mine r spoiled with the indoor and the ones that do smoke the shit weed wont pay more then 140 a zip