what the hell can any one answer me


WHY ARENT MY BUDS GETTING FATTER:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:



Well-Known Member
you need way more light. at least 250-400 hps. invest in more light will definitely give you way more bud. those cfls arent cutting it


Active Member
at first, i thought you werent far enough into flower but then i seen how stringy, lean, & lanky your plants are which is always not enough light.


Well-Known Member
1. We don't even know how long into flowering you are :/
2. You obviously don't have enough light.
3. Try giving it some carbs, look up "Molasses" it really helps bulking up.


Well-Known Member
socaliboy;5179043. 3. Try giving it some carbs said:
Plants cant break down complex carbs/sugars in hydroponics. And all Molasses is is complex carbs. If you dont believe me please do some research in the botany field. This is a myth. Dont listen to this. Dont believe everything you read on the internet lots of bunk info:-D

More light and stressing the plant as little as possible also good genetics will produce larger and denser buds. I tested with a lot of different "snake oils" and what works best is knowing what the plant needed and when. Also good amount of light :-D


Well-Known Member
Plants cant break down complex carbs/sugars in hydroponics. And all Molasses is is complex carbs and sugars. If you dont believe me please do some research in the botany field. This is a myth.

More light and stressting the plant as little as possible also good genetics will produce larger and denser buds. I tested with a lot of different "snake oils" and what works best is knowing what the plant needed and when. Also good amount of light :-D
I sure there are tonnes of people here who are going to disagree with that. As an experiment in my last grow, I grew 4 afghan kush, after researching molasses on this site, I decided to use it on 2 of the plants. They had more size and density then the other two plants, I also noticed they begin slightly more resinous (spelling?).

Whoops, I should of read. Do you mean specifically in hydro? Or, both hydro and soil?


Well-Known Member
I sure there are tonnes of people here who are going to disagree with that. As an experiment in my last grow, I grew 4 afghan kush, after researching molasses on this site, I decided to use it on 2 of the plants. They had more size and density then the other two plants, I also noticed they begin slightly more resinous (spelling?).

Whoops, I should of read. Do you mean specifically in hydro? Or, both hydro and soil?
Im sure they will to but sad to say they have been misinformed. Plants have a lot of the same behavioral traits as humans but not all such as how they absorb and consume food. This is basic Botany 101 in college.


Might be tons of people that will disagree with me but how many of these people got any credentials?? Heres a link to someone that does agree with me and i guarantee you the credentials are there :)


Well-Known Member
You can not flower premature seedlings and expect good results.

You are missing out on a huge key factor to success. Mature Plants that are ready for Flower.

Learn 2 Clone


Well-Known Member
You can not flower premature seedlings and expect good results.

You are missing out on a huge key factor to success. Mature Plants that are ready for Flower.

Learn 2 Clone
so goin with 12/12 from start isnt good? i mean they grow smaller but you mean to say that the buds isnt goin to be symetric with the plant just beause one start to flower prematurely?


Well-Known Member
You will never get Optimal results doing 12/12 from seed.

The reason is the plant is Sexually Premature. That means you are forcing it to flower too soon. Its preteen pedo rape to plants.

The hormone levels that trigger flowering are not built up to the right levels for vigorous and robust flowering.

So your girls will be flat chested.

Do you follow ?


Well-Known Member
You will never get Optimal results doing 12/12 from seed.

The reason is the plant is Sexually Premature. That means you are forcing it to flower too soon. Its preteen pedo rape to plants.

The hormone levels that trigger flowering are not built up to the right levels for vigorous and robust flowering.

So your girls will be flat chested.

Do you follow ?
i hear you. but i have to try it out on my next grow though. just to make sure :)