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  1. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol are my boobs that bad or something?
  2. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    Well I graduated hs in may so since may
  3. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    my sister went through a phase where she LOVED too short's music... which is why I know the song blow the whistle, by heart
  4. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    is it bad i know every word to this song?
  5. Urca

    Amy Winehouse R.I.P.

    goddamn it, im a fucking GENIUS ;)
  6. Urca

    How much does a dime weigh in your city?

    lol well I buy a ten when I scrounge up the money, there's no shame in being broke. Im not like these dumb ass neighbors of mine who get shit weed for free but wanna come over and borrow a few bucks for some swishers... either I have money or I dont... you dont have money, you dont smoke, simple
  7. Urca

    Amy Winehouse R.I.P.

    ^its like,"My dad can beat up your dad"
  8. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    I think thats a pretty good idea, save a little bit out of every sack I get...
  9. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    those fox's eyes are staring into my soul
  10. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    dude relax... im working on it... plus, its not like i can make the college open any sooner, or make the applications I fill out be accepted
  11. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol i swear its nothing you'd wanna see... im pretty much only sexy from the boobs upwards... i got white girl flat butt
  12. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha nope, no panties
  13. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    School doesnt start for a few weeks, but I am enrolled, all my fees and paper work and books taken care of... I need to pick up the slack on the job issue, but at least I dont ask for money, or for things... plus i paid all my school expenses out of my own pocket
  14. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    ok, stay awake as long as possible, nap when sleep is inevitable, pop a couple nyquil tonight at like 8:30, got to sleep at ten... hopefully I can stick to the plan
  15. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha whats that supposed to mean?
  16. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    lol i need to man up and take it... but im pretty sure ill break down and take a long ass nap later on in the day, fucking up the cycle again
  17. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    hahaha pics of what exactly? ;) pics i have, but they arent decent for the internet
  18. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    I know, even diet soda is bad for you. I dont do the grocery shopping here, so its kinda tough. And my sister doesnt diet so my mom buys all this delicious crap food, and we eat out alot, so its hard to eat healthy. I spent the summer before my senior year with my dad, and dropped 40 pounds...
  19. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    lol i am a night person, when I have nothing going on.. even when I was in high school I would be up til one or two then wake up at 6... fuck, idk... my mom and stepdad get mad when I sleep late, but I dont get tired til this time of night
  20. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha i have no weed at the moment, i kinda wanna take some of hers jk jk