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  1. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    how stupid are you? how are heroin and meth legal when you can get a felony charge for possesion? where do you live? its obviously not the real world
  2. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    how cute, a whale reference for the fat girl.. how nice
  3. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    I love your use of personal attack instead of attacking the issue. However, here's the point. Drugs, like weed and the like, arent that harmful. Wouldnt phase me if they legalized it or not. But the day they legalize meth, heroin, etc... will be the worst day ever. You have no idea what...
  4. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    You dont wanna go there with me. You really dont. Hard drugs (which shrooms are not, im pretty sure no one's been a shroom fiend) ruined everything. You have no idea. Seriously, shut up
  5. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    Lol pleased to meet you Ken. Name's Erica.
  6. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    This thread is stupid... Drugs are not a fundamental right jackass. Unless its weed, or any really organic drug like shrooms, etc, ITS BAD FOR YOU. It will kill you if you use them, it will ruin your life, and your families lives as well. I should know, I come from a family of alcoholics and...
  7. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    To me it isnt nasty, fast food just gets old fast. Id rather have a home cooked meal anyday
  8. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    Lol the whole point was, I saw all these freaky screen names, so I wanted to know people's first names
  9. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    Omg give me some Takis. So good. BTW british dude, stay away from ranch, it is DISGUSTING.
  10. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    But thats the thing, i didnt want anyone's last name, or thier middle name, cause thats indentifiable, but how many Erica's are there in the world? And unless you are screaming your exact location, your first name is hardly indentifiable.
  11. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. People are so fucking dumb it hurts. I said the FIRST NAME YOU WERE BORN WITH. Not your handle, your screen name, or whatever you guys tried to explain. Read before posting. Sorry if this came off rude but I have explained it more than once
  12. Urca

    Think My PC or E-mail got Hacked Somehow

    change your email password, this has happened to me before
  13. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    its not like that, I told her if I was gonna do that, then that is what would have to happen. She agreed. Im not buying her a sack, im buying a sack, rolling a blunt, bringing it with me, three of us smoke, then we go party. Im not just gonna hand her a sack and not smoke! That would be fucking...
  14. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    There is basically a cover charge at the door, every one who comes has to pay like 5, 6 bucks, unlimited alcohol. I just wouldnt have the money to do that if I buy the weed, and since its only like 6 bucks on my part, its only fair she wont charge me. Now that we come to this agreement, its win win.
  15. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    Ok so problem solved, she said I dont have to pay for my drinks, and she only wants a 10, and her friend will pay like 4 bucks. I can handle 6 bucks to smoke her out, not 15 or 20 like I had planned. Problem solved
  16. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    lol this is all so stupid, i know, but fuck, i cant help how things play out
  17. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    well i had to do it from a certain angle so my nipples wouldnt show, but i get what you mean
  18. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha whats that supposed to mean
  19. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    This is the first time she ever did it. im not desperate or anything, but this just puts me in an awkward position. Btw, I would hate to take my mom's money. And I know if the shoe was on the other foot she would come through, she is a very good friend, kind, I just think she let her dumbass...
  20. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    well im sorry i dont think i would send you pictures with nipples in it