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  1. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    lol for the most part it takes alot to trigger one of my little modes of depression... like after the 8th grade, it was hella bad.. lasted a long time, like three months. Last one I had that was serious was like a year and a half ago, for like a month
  2. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    hahhahahah stockpiling blood
  3. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    Im against it for myself... for the people who want to do it, go ahead, they should choose their death. I wouldnt want to do it. As for my body, I have a huge fear of death, and I know what the body looks like as it decomposes and what happens to it, and it disturbs me really really really bad...
  4. Urca

    Our Furry Friends

    I would love to have a dog of my own when I have my own place
  5. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    They dont care about weed in your system, you just cant smoke 10 hours before you go in. Trust me, I asked the nurses
  6. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    I see. Then do whats best for you. But im serious about my family burying me... I hope they dont put me in a box under the earth... the thought sickens me
  7. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    See, Id rather suffer, and still see my family and the people I love as long as i can, instead of ending it soon
  8. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    lol not planning on dying anytime soon. im just saying, if i die unexpectedly, they better donate the good parts and cremate the rest... then scatter me somewhere beautiful. I told my whole family that if I die and they bury me in the ground, I will haunt them. I DONT WANT TO BE BURIED!!! dead...
  9. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    no, I dont support that. Idk, i dont support it cause I wouldnt want it. I want my life to last as long as they can make it last, stretch it out. Im afraid to die. and the organ donating thing is what i would do if I died before i was 50
  10. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    humane death??? idk what that is, but for those who want a new organ, they can have mine when I am done. I wont need it
  11. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    lol well idk if they would use my heart or liver if i died tomorrow, since there are fat deposits problably, but, I would let them take everything else. My eyes, my skin, lungs, whatever they need. Im being cremated anyway, so why not? I give my body so that others can live. what greater gift is...
  12. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    i smoke weed, and used needles to inject medication at one point... they still took my blood. then again I didnt mention using the needles either... speaking of which, I couldnt do heroin, just because needles bruise me too easily. I had to do it every day for 6 weeks in my tummy, and it turned...
  13. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    hey, if your body wont allow it then thats fine, shit even if your scared of needles thats fine... I just think everybody who can should donate just once, so that they give the gift of life... and lol at beardo's signature, im flattered
  14. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    why is that?
  15. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    I dont mind, since it doesnt hurt at all. Plus, i think of people like my friend who need other people's blood to stay alive...
  16. Urca

    Our Furry Friends

    you can do that? cause i would get a skunk if it wouldnt smell
  17. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    I would donate more often, but I dont drive and getting to the donation center sucks ass, but fortunately for me, I got a card in the mail from the blood bank saying that there is a blood drive at the church up the street from my house, so I would absolutely love to donate... except i bruise and...
  18. Urca

    Our Furry Friends

    did it ever spray you?? and it does look precious!! bonus points if you named it flower
  19. Urca

    Our Furry Friends

    I love my dog... hella cute, wish my comp worked with riu so I could show you, he's a yellow lab... he's retarded but adorable, and my cat is adorable too...
  20. Urca

    Donating Blood?

    Im always down to donate blood, since I have the most common blood type, I can help lots of people. Ive donated twice, but the last time meant alot to me... My friend died of cancer and my school had a blood drive to help repay her blood bill, since she used so much blood that it cost quite a...