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  1. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol how are nipples sexy?? i dont get it
  2. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    I hope not.
  3. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha why?????
  4. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    yeah, tbh im broke, but my mom keeps offering me money, i turn her down, but for this I might have to accept, which i hate. I hate asking for money or for things
  5. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol are you serious?
  6. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    I dont play games like that, she's a good friend, has been for years, she just fucked up this one time. If her friend gives me a decent amount of money, and if I dont have to pay a cover charge, then its good. She pulls this "please smoke me out" thing again though and she will hear it
  7. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Urca likes it... love that little treasure trail
  8. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    i asked her to drop the cover charge for drinks if i buy the weed...
  9. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    its ok, ive had worse... that olylifter dude said my boob shots were perverted and wrong
  10. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    problably all the people who hate me... :) :) like olylifter40 and johnnyorganic... amongst others... doesnt phase me one bit
  11. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol ^ the look on her face
  12. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    Either way its a handout, and she's just gonna expect "Oh Erica's got weed, we been good friends since we were 15, im sure she wont mind." While in reality I have no cash flow and I dont even have weed for my self. Which means I have to borrow money to add to whatever small amount they drop.
  13. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    haha seriously? and as for poster #9, yeah, she is kinda using me, which is the issue, but at the same time, she is one of my good friends, and I have always been a proponent of pay it forward... idk what i will do
  14. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Go to the boobies thread and go in peace
  15. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    Fuck it, ill do it. But i told her if im doing it i better not have to pay the drink fee at her party and her friend better give me a good amount of money
  16. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    I smoked her out cause I figured I wouldnt see her again.. now ill be seeing her two more times, and that kinda pisses me off. Exactly what she said: hey hey hey hey! favor to ask of you! Sobasically I was wondering if you wanted to smoke me out? Donald will drop on it but he said since it's...
  17. Urca

    I feel disrespected by my friend, about weed

    I smoked her and her friend out about two weeks ago. Cost me $20. I also fed them and etc. Then she asked me to get weed for her party, I said cool, you and your friends need to drop this time, I dont have cash (plus didnt wanna smoke them out twice in a row). So today she sends me a message...
  18. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol thanks i guess
  19. Urca

    Drugs laced with flesh eating bacteria-

    reading that article and seeing those pictures made me sick... yet all the dumbasses want to legalize hard drugs like coke and heroin... I'd rather legalize weed, at least its natural and cant hurt you
  20. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    You've seen mine quite a bit... lets see yours :)