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  1. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha no judgement here
  2. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    thread died again
  3. Urca

    Drugs laced with flesh eating bacteria-

    goddamn, krokodil is way way way way way way way way way way way way worse than this could ever be
  4. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    thanks .....
  5. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    No nipples, all covered... lol girls dont leave me alone on this
  6. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    Ok so when I was a senior in high school, in my govt class they passed out a survey which said, if you could change your name to anything what would it be, and why. I put down Delicious, and said it was because thats my stripper name.. My govt teacher saw it and laughed so hard there were tears...
  7. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    Lol I meant the names you were born with, not the meaning of your handle. My name is Erica. Someone on this thread is Harvey, and have a Brandon. True first names is what I was getting at
  8. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha I think so too
  9. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Lol ive already put up two pictures... Not much more I can show, its the same thing over and over
  10. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    I hadnt noticed at all
  11. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Most of the girls I know dont like it, I like it cause... Idk. Problably cause the first real crush I had when i was 12 was a 21 year old guy who was kinda hairy.. and ever since then I like it. Im just talking leg hair, chest hair, facial hair, armpit hair... I dont like hair all over.. Idk...
  12. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    Not like last names or middle names or anything that could identify you to a creeper, but like I wonder what some people's first names are. Urca is a nickname my friends gave me, when they tried to say Erica all ghetto... I also have the nick name delicious, its a long story. Anyway, any of you...
  13. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Lol its not a problem, its what I like on a guy... just not full on fur, which it seems like you dont have, which is good
  14. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    You dont seem like there is anything wrong with you! Seriously, Ive met people who were autistic, has aspbergers syndrome, and they were out there, out of control, had no grip on reality. You, however, seem normal, chill, etc... I guess its about learning to overcome those kinda things
  15. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    ^yay, you're hairy. Very nice
  16. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    yeah true, ive never had a truly bad experience here on RIU, but people tore me to shreds on Youtube. Which is why i dont post anymore. Last vid I did I was like 16
  17. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Thats not what I mean... I mean I deserve it more than she does.. cause she's very nice and pretty, doesnt deserve hateful messages
  18. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    thats what im trying to say... she has ALOT more to offer than me... they're just being dicks
  19. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Im really surprised people sent you mean things... I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bigger than you are, and Ive never gotten that
  20. Urca

    Our Furry Friends

    Lol finally I can show you my dog