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  1. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Lol yeah I was planning on going on a diet, but its hard when all thats in the fridge is unhealthy crap...
  2. Urca

    Go to sleep or stay awake?

    Ive been on this terrible sleeping pattern of going to bed at like 6 am and waking up at 2 pm... Im wondering if I should just stay awake all day, then go to bed at like 10, or go to sleep now cause Im dumbass tired, but my sleeping habits leave me no room to do anything... I wake up, wash my...
  3. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Lol Kuroi your pics are very popular :) :)
  4. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Note also the treasure trail... love it!
  5. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Like this:, but not so defined
  6. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Lol I dont wanna be strapped up in a grandma bra... Im thinking when I have the cash I will just get a custom made one
  7. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    id rather see sexy chests... which doesnt mean muscular or anything, just have that v near your hip bones, and have some chest hair... fucking sexy
  8. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol what is that
  9. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    no problem. someday ill man up and show you guys how big I am... but for now, enjoy the boobs
  10. Urca

    my chicken just hatched a duck

    This thread makes me ridiculously happy and grinning, so fucking cute In fact, if ducks weren't so hard to raise and need so much, I would get a pet duck. Named Baxter. :)
  11. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    hahah well I'd rather have boobs and a body like yours than these big things and a big tummy... I look even bigger cause I'm 5'2 What are you talking about, your boobs are actually very nice
  12. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    haha this is me going with the flow, I wouldnt wanna meet a guy from here. Never found a good guy, and two of the ones I though were good just left me in the dust. And yeah, its fat. Trust me...
  13. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    Lol well Ive spent alot of money on bras, they always break in a month anyway, underwire pops out... its the combo of big boobs plus being fat that wears the bras out so fast.
  14. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    its not about getting you off
  15. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol well for one it goes against the rules, and for two, I dont show my nipples to strangers..
  16. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol that kinda sounds like gibberish
  17. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Lol I prefer lacy boy shorts...
  18. Urca

    RIU Boobies :3

    lol ill jump start this thread I really need a new bra though... that one is on its last legs
  19. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    Yum, I love a guy in calvin klein boxer briefs... even if your dick isnt all that great, those things make men look DELICIOUS... :D
  20. Urca

    MMMMMMM Roasted Swine

    Yum... have you ever had lechon?? Omg, its so good. I love Filipino food... then again, I have alot of Filipino friends too..