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  1. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    cause they arent talking shit, they are pointing things out, to open up discussion, and you jump down their throats to punish them for believing differently than you. Hubris will be the downfall of this country my friend, if more people think like you do
  2. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    hey, would comes onto a cannabis forum and starts talking shit to everyone, about how unamerican everyone is... yeah, you're so much better than me
  3. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    hahaha wtf?? how am I thirty? silly ass dude
  4. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    lol ive driven a few times, its just, im bad with machines... bumper cars, quads, cars, etc... something always goes wrong.
  5. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    well, im not gonna go on myspace to get laid... weird. plus why would I want to lose my virginity to some dude i met on myspace?? who even uses my space anymore?
  6. Urca

    What happened to the 90's?

    ugh fuck that juggalo shit... fuck fuck fuck it!!! lol sorry got fucked over by this juggalo dude who thought it was all soooo cool... not, its fucking lame
  7. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    i dont wanna be fully grown up yet, just know how to drive, have a job, go to school, have a man... not too much to ask for right? And no, im not getting laid, havent even been kissed in 6 weeks.
  8. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    Its not that, its just like they make me feel like they are years ahead of me
  9. Urca

    What happened to the 90's?

    lol you guys have different memories of the 90's than I do... but than again, I only got to live 7 years of it, when I was a real little kid. Lol for me my memories are of kiddie cartoons, bright colored clothes, funky hairstyles my mom imposed on my short haired head, learning how to play...
  10. Urca

    My brother has a gf

    She's reasonably decent looking, and a year older than him. I talked to her on facebook since she and my bro live in Vegas, (not living together). They just got together a few weeks ago, and I found out yesterday. Its weird for me cause thats my twin brother. And we've always been the single...
  11. Urca

    Mom gets 3 years for jaywalking

    the crosswalk was 8 blocks away... would you walk 8 blocks at night in an unsafe neighborhood just to you could get a cross walk, then walk 8 blocks back? she had three kids with her. :(
  12. Urca

    Mom gets 3 years for jaywalking

    A kid was hit by a car while he, his mom, and two siblings were trying to cross the street. The driver was drunk, and had already taken painkillers as well. The little boy ran out into the street, the mom followed him to stop him, boy gets hit and dies. The drunk driver gets 6 months of jail...
  13. Urca

    hypothetically got shorted on a bag, what would you do?

    that was fucking funny... poor butters
  14. Urca

    inbox full

    inbox full
  15. Urca

    how do your berries dangle?

    Lol Ill stick to making dinner. I can make a pretty good dinner, I still need practice to make it great though. I love to cook for people, would never wanna be a chef though
  16. Urca

    how do your berries dangle?

    i consider it a true gift to be able to make things grow like that
  17. Urca

    how do your berries dangle?

    Im not very good at baking... I just can make cookies and brownies. Pies are way way above my skill level. My grandma makes the best pie in the world though... yum peach pie. My favorite
  18. Urca

    how do your berries dangle?

    I happen to love berry flavored anything... Lol I wish i knew how to make pie, I like it more than cake
  19. Urca

    how do your berries dangle?

    Hhahahaha this made me giggle
  20. Urca

    If you had one wish, what would it be?

    hey! i wanna go live my dreams, but everytime I bring it up I hear the same old shit. From my mom. Be realistic, what kind of job are you going to get? how much money will you make? be realistic, aim small. who's going to pay for you to go to school erica? you wanna be in debt for the rest of...