What happened to the 90's?


Well-Known Member
lol you guys have different memories of the 90's than I do... but than again, I only got to live 7 years of it, when I was a real little kid. Lol for me my memories are of kiddie cartoons, bright colored clothes, funky hairstyles my mom imposed on my short haired head, learning how to play Street Fighter 2 at the baby sitters, Salior Moon, snap braclets, etc... lol my 90's were different than most people who have commented


Well-Known Member
lol you guys have different memories of the 90's than I do... but than again, I only got to live 7 years of it, when I was a real little kid. Lol for me my memories are of kiddie cartoons, bright colored clothes, funky hairstyles my mom imposed on my short haired head, learning how to play Street Fighter 2 at the baby sitters, Salior Moon, snap braclets, etc... lol my 90's were different than most people who have commented
Yeah, if you were born in the early 80's, thats the time to enjoy the 90's...Since you're only 18 you were just born too late to remember the good parts.


Well-Known Member
sailor moon! lol i forgot about that shit. wasnt the 90s the pokemon card craze decade? or what bout POGs. lol.


Well-Known Member
Remember pegged pants ? And Cross Colors And Skids and Reebok Pumps And The Bulls With Jordan?
Remember the O.J. Chase?


Well-Known Member
Man, 1993...has it been THAT long?



Active Member
lol you guys have different memories of the 90's than I do... but than again, I only got to live 7 years of it, when I was a real little kid. Lol for me my memories are of kiddie cartoons, bright colored clothes, funky hairstyles my mom imposed on my short haired head, learning how to play Street Fighter 2 at the baby sitters, Salior Moon, snap braclets, etc... lol my 90's were different than most people who have commented
Mine was like that too except I forgot to mention them. Thanks for that memory lane vacation.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I smoked my first weed in the 90's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Everything he mentions I did growing up.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;OGoSRtNhjhE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGoSRtNhjhE[/video] remember this? this was high tech then.


Well-Known Member
if you think about its whs the beginning of our clone research and who ever wrote Jurassic park it was a well balance of technology and action.