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  1. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    Morning!!! I do all the above you mentioned, I smile at people constantly at school, walking to and from school, saying hello... its polite and makes me smile. My only issue is looking people in the eye when I am mad or when they are mad at me... My mom makes me look her dead in the eye and i...
  2. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Its just, I know I weigh ALOT. Yet I still walk to and from school, up those stairs etc... and I was a dancer... doesnt mean im in shape, but i have a bit more stamina... doesnt excuse the fact that walking up stairs wont kill you. May suck ass, because I was breathing hella hard when I got to...
  3. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    eh i only use the word when it really applies...
  4. Urca


    ill read it when i get back from class, gotta go atm...
  5. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Lol I chug my way up the stairs, if i go slow then i feel like im blocking people. But still, its like how lazy can you get. I know skinny people take the elevator too, but the fat people are always first in line... please... its not that hard if i can do it. i weigh more than some of them!
  6. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    I think its not about the words, but the way the person comes off. They can show that they acknowledge you with a smile, or a head nod or whatever, and its cool... but its the people who act like they own the place, knock into people, force their way past other people, etc.... which makes me...
  7. Urca

    I Just Need to Bounce This off the Community. Venting, Mostly.

    I know its a shitty thing to do, but your woman is supposed to have your back, no matter what. At least your son is on your side, cares about you
  8. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    I hate it when you say "Excuse me" and the person wont budge, pretending they didnt hear you, little kids are especially bad with this, not trying to sound racist, but usually its either little black kids who are the worst with this. Then they grow up and still have terrible manners. However...
  9. Urca

    I Just Need to Bounce This off the Community. Venting, Mostly.

    Im sorry to hear that, but maybe now tat you recognize that she is a complete bitch for her selfishness, and her fear, dump her ass. Its not worth heartache. And if she says "ill take everything..." threaten to retract your statement, she's selfish enough to realize her own hide is on the line
  10. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Lol so every tuesday and thursday i have a class on the fourth floor of a building. I always take the stairs, even when there is an elevator availible. But today it hit me. Im the only fat person I see walking up four flights of stairs.... All the other people are slim to chunky... then when i...
  11. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    I always say thank you, hold doors for people, SAY EXCUSE ME. <---- for some reason, no one knows how to say excuse me, especially bad ass little bebe kids... they're now grow up and rude as fuck
  12. Urca

    what makes you say that?

    what makes you say that?
  13. Urca

    Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

    its not called racism, its called being partisan
  14. Urca

    Perplexing Questions.

    lol explain the attraction, idk why anyone would do it?
  15. Urca


    I noticed. Chill :)
  16. Urca


    lol im not vindictive
  17. Urca

    What U Rocki'n To? Me? Tyler The Creator
  18. Urca


    haha yeah i know. Thats why i can do shots like crazy. Makes me popular at family parties... New years they talked me into 20 shots... i was super fucked up, but didnt feel it until around shot 13.
  19. Urca

    What U Rocki'n To? Me? Tyler The Creator

    hmm, do you guys listen to woodie? its norteno music, but i enjoy it. sureno music sucks ass. dumb ass scraps
  20. Urca


    personally i only drink like that because i hate the taste, i drink slower if it tastes good. sometimes i wont even get drunk... ive gotten only fucked up once off of beer mixed with wine, vodka, and two kinds of tilts... but the majority of the time i have to do shots to get fucking blitzed...