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  1. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    made spaghetti tonight, added a few things that would never make it into my mom's spaghetti... and everyone loved it... lol i feel accomplished
  2. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    No point. I know plenty of people like beardo, as far as conspiracy theories go... best just to ignore them
  3. Urca


    lol idk if he'd want to... plus its expensive, we both have limited funds
  4. Urca


    haha we just sit the seats as upright as they will go, and slide them forward... that way there's room for me to lean over him, or for him to do the same.
  5. Urca


    fuck, he just told me too... its from 94, some small kind of suv, its hard to explain, fuck i know this!!!!!! what is it!
  6. Urca


    hopefully... i know the perfect place to drive to where its undisturbed by people
  7. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    you really need to lay off the ganj. i like you but cant stand crackpot theories
  8. Urca


    haha ok... damn, kinda hard to manuever in the back of his car though, and we have no where else to go... makes for an interesting night
  9. Urca


    fine... lets see how it goes next time we see each other
  10. Urca


    well, i could lose seeing him again
  11. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    No, no philosophy in Highschool. Im saying, if there arent people like you, then why would there be people like me? Its called balance. Our opposing views balance each other out.
  12. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Beardo, aids wasnt created... you know that right? Its from monkeys. We have an immunity similar to a disease like aids, while they are seriously affected by it. They are immune to aids, while we are seriously affected by aids. Its written in our dna, the remnants of an ancient disease...
  13. Urca


    Actually, Im pretty much naked all the time when im alone... shit ive posted on here while naked, no one knew. Im just shy, my body doesnt look great, and Im afraid when he sees me completely naked he'll change his mind
  14. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    whatever, im not here to argue with you. Obviously we're two different ends of the spectrum... again, another form of balance
  15. Urca


    nope, not really
  16. Urca


  17. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    My weight is my own fault, the syphilis was a long time ago, but we're talking thousands... when there are MILLIONS of aids victims...
  18. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    "you sound like a religious freak"<--- kinda implies you think im religious
  19. Urca

    Wow, there's your slippery slope

    wow, they should have respected her wishes. no ifs, ands, or buts
  20. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    now you're just being shitty. Im saying that the world is both intensely good and evil. That there is a greater balance that is upheld. Doesnt make me religious, or naive