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  1. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    You passed judgement on me, calling me a relgious freak, telling me i have a problem in believing in man. because you have no faith, doesnt mean i should abandon mine or that im seeing only what i want to see. your choosing to see only the bad, im choosing to see both.
  2. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    im not religious in the least. I only acknowledge existance of a god, dont follow any religion. You have no faith in man, so you see the world how you want it to be seen. Step one, admit you have a problem
  3. Urca


    i get semi naked, but i was figuring on wearing a dress, easy to get off ;) and it makes me take it all off, not one part at a time
  4. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    how often does that happen? In all seriousness, what percentage of std victims didnt do it to themselves? its a small number who didnt
  5. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Evil exists in the world as much as good does... even if it seems bleh, wrong, just like society is evil... its a balance on a larger scale than we can see... because good means so much more than evil does, lol basically quality of good over quanitity of evil
  6. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    haha ok, i didnt even click on the link yet
  7. Urca


    haha id rather it just happen when we get all hot and heavy
  8. Urca


    lol "wanna bang my hole?" are you serious?
  9. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    but what post specifically?
  10. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    they cured a man of aids in germany
  11. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    well stuff like aids and hep c, etc... all brought upon yourself. Other diseases, you really cant help
  12. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    lol where did you say that?
  13. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Trying to convince doesnt work. That is one society, its a foil to other societies... the society that did that kept medicne, science, math, the Classics safe when the roman empire fell, when western society acted like heathens. Now, we are the society that fress women, promotes education...
  14. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Im not saying the world is all good, that there is too much... but there is good in this world, and adversity, pain, makes it all the more sweet
  15. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    hahaa i used to be down about society... but then i look at the world, and think its all part of a great balance... you need terrible, terrible things in this world to balance out all the good
  16. Urca


    haha she could have been really good at it... shit maybe she planned to lead it into a blowjob
  17. Urca


    lol well, if i was turned down if i offered something like that, id be embarrassed as fuck, feel dumb
  18. Urca


    haha how so?
  19. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    bleh. whatever. i cant convince you society is as wonderful as it is terrible, why would i convince you on anything else
  20. Urca


    problably. maybe you hurt her feelings abit. btw, am afraid of my expectations, but also, kinda ashamed of my body. anyway, back to you