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  1. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Would murder be wrong if someone did it to your mother? To april? To any child you may have?
  2. Urca


    if you turned her down, why would she stay?
  3. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    how can you say that? yes, people are corrupt. yes, they murder, kill, opress. but on the flip side, people are kind, people love, people overcome hardship, we laugh, we dance, we make wonderous things... cruelty, ugliness, all apart of life as much as the good parts are.
  4. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Humans are faulty creatures... the light, as you put it, outweighs the dark. You can change the dark, but the if the light never existed, we'd be roaming half creatures, with nothing beuatiful, nothing wonderful, nothing terrible about life. Just primal urges, scraping by, never knowing anything...
  5. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    thats not what i mean by society... trust me, there is alot of worng and injustice in society. But even the worst things in life wouldnt seem bad without the good. its called balance
  6. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    without society, we wouldnt be having this conversation. we wouldnt even comprehend what all this means. its gives us art, culture, indentity, music, science... if we were like hoenheim wanted, we'd be as beasts
  7. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    ^lol pretty much
  8. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Morals are the fabric of society. without them we'd be roaming as super intelligent animals. Societal rules like "no murder, no rape, no theft" keep society intact
  9. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    well, its kinda what i meant when i gave my definition...
  10. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    there is right and wrong. theft, rape, murder... all things that are natural animal behaviors... animals steal food from each other, male animals have no problem raping female animals... (especially dolphins... they do it to female dolphins who are pregnant, so they lose the baby), and they...
  11. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    I think premeditated is the word...
  12. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    lol only if you're another dog. :-P
  13. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    yes, oxford is correct. but thats just the surface... i defined murder my own way, no one has to believe me, but its how i feel
  14. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    animals dont have the right to choose. we do. our motives can be thought out, we can change. animals do what their ancestors were bred to do. we are bred to live, and think. unfortunately this gives us a concious. animals have no right or wrong... but we do.
  15. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Animals kill to establish dominance, food, etc... But we're not animals, we have higher reasoning, which changes motive. We have the power to hunt animals, grow our own food, provide our own shelter. We have higher reasoning and intelligence to fight for dominance. Murder is killing without...
  16. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    im speaking of terms of people killing animals for food, not people killing other people for food. thats called murder. Its done out of jealousy or spite, or desperation. If you really wanted to survive, you'd learn how to fish, instead of killing me, and eating bread for one day, instead of...
  17. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    peta says people murder animals... but we say we killed them for fuel. Its the same in the animal kingdom. they dont arbitraily kill... thats what seperates murder from the act of killing. read my previous post
  18. Urca

    Growing Coral..

    coral? like the stuff in the ocean? or some coral i know nothing about?
  19. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    animals do it for food. murder is done with intention, without the need for food, shelter, protection... murder is killing someone that cannot be justified by those three reasons
  20. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    thats so sad