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  1. Urca


    lol its getting a bit warm in here... april... *cough*
  2. Urca

    Do your parents use marijuana?

    lol well lets see, we explored an abandoned lot, got our asses beat. Or my sister got handcuffed to Mantha, the other 6 year old, and mantha's cousin threw the key into the abandoned lot...
  3. Urca

    Do your parents use marijuana?

    tell that to three 6 year olds and a 7 year old... we got into so much fucking trouble.
  4. Urca

    Do your parents use marijuana?

    as long as you dont let them smoke until they are like 16-17, then there is no problem.
  5. Urca


    Oh i have feelings for him, I think he maybe has a few for me. Rubbers are a must, my mom and sister are fertile as hell, my mom had my sister, 6 months later pregnant with twins. My sister got pregnant her senior year of high school. She lost the baby shortly after she found out. This year...
  6. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    Haha i hated when my sister used to complain about my cooking, yet still expect me to cook. She's never made dinner a day in her life, and she's my older sister. All she cooks is basics, noodles, hamburger helper, rolls from the can, spaghetti. Lol im so happy i can cook better than her...
  7. Urca

    Do your parents use marijuana?

    it still pisses me off. we'd have to beg to go to the bathroom, then get booted right out again. "Go play outside!!" But we'd be outside for like 3 hours...
  8. Urca


    no, its cause he gets cheated on alot, and so he refuses to have a gf, and see me. he HATES cheaters... Once i told him I didnt want to be with anyone else... Thats when he told me all that. Then I asked him if he would care if i hung out with another guy. He said yeah, I dont care, you're not...
  9. Urca

    Do your parents use marijuana?

    My mom used to lock us out of the house for hours so she could toke with my stepdad. My dad always was hella secretive about it, and so was she, we found my mom's stash when I was 12, all her pipes, her weed, and her vibrators... :/ my dad owned up to it when i was 17, we spent the whole summer...
  10. Urca


    I live too far away. Idk if there are any other reasons, he never told me any reason but that one
  11. Urca


    haha thats the thing... sometimes its great how we are together, like we just fit, never an awkward moment, we just click perfectly. I know why he avoids that kind of thing... he doesnt want me getting too attached when he wont date me. Btw, im pretty sure all he did was kiss. And he doesnt have...
  12. Urca


    um, idk if he would talk to me about it... whenever i bring stuff up, like how i feel or if he thought i looked nice, he avoids the question. Also has told me about other chicks he's kissed while we have been doing this
  13. Urca


    well, next time i see him, i want to do it, just i actually want to be kissed that time. lol
  14. Urca


    My brother tells me horror stories of bad bj's, bad lays... I dont want to be anyone's horror story. plus, i gag easily
  15. Urca


    He's not my guy, he's just the only guy ive ever kissed, touched, etc... but he wont date me. He hasnt fully gone over my body, but i know every part of his. I want to take it further, im just stuck
  16. Urca


    he does. he asks. i almost said yes last time. except for the reason already stated
  17. Urca


    eh, im just scared... never done it before. was gonna do it last time, i really wanted to, but i decided if he couldnt kiss me on the mouth that night, he wasnt getting blown that night
  18. Urca


    well, ive never given a bj, wanted to make that clear. most of the time he pulls off his shirt as fast as he can, slides his pants down a bit, so all of his chest up until where the treasure trail is about to end shows, then pulls me close, presses my head against his chest, and then i explore...
  19. Urca


    whats that supposed to mean?
  20. Urca


    i dont ask questions when i get "intimate". lol i mean, its stupid to ask questions during... i dont really talk unless spoken to, cause for the most part my lips are engaged elsewhere on his body (NOT HIS DICK) to be talking to him. I may make a funny comment, or ask him what he would like...