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  1. Urca


  2. Urca


    hahaha you crack me up!
  3. Urca


    oh ok ok i get it
  4. Urca


    what does ^^this mean?
  5. Urca


    lol dear god, make that sooner!!!!!!! haha just kinda hit on a fantasy of mine, anyway, carry on with discussion of not getting any from the chick who gave a handjob
  6. Urca


    things happen for a reason, shit what if you had fucked her and got her pregnant with triplets? would you feel so bad about a handjob then?
  7. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    yeah, i understand! my grandma cooked home cooked food all the time when i was growing up. It's better than food from any restaurant, from any fast food joint. My grandma helped raise me, when i lived with my dad. Ive been learning how to cook and do things since that first time when I remember...
  8. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    yeah good advice, if it happens, it happens. School is more important than stressing over whether or not I'll fuck David. Btw, i know my hands can do AMAZING THINGS. Lots of practice ;)
  9. Urca


    does seem like that huh.... i'll work on that. I have very low self esteem... lol ill keep my lack of a sex life off of riu for a while, until something good happens... i know everyone will want to know when i FINALLY lose my v-card! lol alot of gentle reprimands coming from you lately, i need...
  10. Urca


    :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: making me blush
  11. Urca


    true true, maybe when i actually get a bf for the first time, then i can bring up the subject
  12. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    i want to grow up and be you now !!!!!! :) ill admit, id be good at cleaning if i wasnt so lazy. i know how, just hate it.
  13. Urca


    hmm, idk if id let someone tie me up... cause then everything bad about my body would be on display, and i couldnt move to hide it
  14. Urca

    Otter pop mob

    beardo, you are way better than v-nasty.
  15. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    I know, but like for me, its kinda a sign of showing you care
  16. Urca

    Otter pop mob

    lol just because you pose with a gun doesnt make you hard... lol if she was hard she wouldnt be smiling
  17. Urca


    haha yeah, he does it cause he knows i like it, but afterward he jokingly says "lol its weird you like it that much".... maybe its the sounds i make when he does it, idk. maybe im not supposed to enjoy it that much?
  18. Urca

    Is how a girl cooks important?

    good morning!!! knocked out last night...
  19. Urca

    Otter pop mob

    Beardo, a marshmellow is tougher than that chick
  20. Urca


    lol yeah i learned alot... i like it when he's rough with his hands, when he pulls my hair, holds me down, etc... also learned i like gentle sometimes too