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  1. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wtf is he thinking!
  2. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Lol, just for orca's.
  3. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    really? i think we stated it clearly- You feel like my threads can be stupid, had a problem with the pics i post, etc. I agreed i could change, and that the pic of my friend was wrong, and that i just post in fun. I thought it was a mutual consensus that we niether want to be friends or enemies
  4. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    um... i know its from south park... but why do i have a feeling this relates to me? just saying
  5. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    lol meta, there are plenty of other people who will try to bash me, let them do it. I feel like we reached the root of the problem
  6. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Murder implies wrong. But killing someone to defend yourself? Killing someone who is hurting others? Still murder, but we justify it. So, there is no right or wrong
  7. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    i wouldnt say fun, but hopefully we reached a middle ground. not friends, not enemies
  8. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    lol i messed up instead of a period i put a question mark
  9. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    nothing compares to the beating your mom gave that girl you were fucking
  10. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    yes, she was. she has finger print bruises on her arms
  11. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    he kicked her and dragged her around
  12. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    mmmmmm i know, i never felt so sick to my stomach as i did when i saw this
  13. Urca


    haha its better than doing it yourself
  14. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    wow, go fuck yourself, im being dead serious. This happens alot, even if everyone knows its wrong. You have no idea what its like, having a grandmother who's nose will never be straight because it was broken too many times, a friend beat to a pulp, or a nice slap from a dude i got loud with when...
  15. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    fine, ill take the picture down
  16. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    She put it up first, she sent that link to me, she sent it to alot of people. Its still up on photobucket, where she put it up first. Shit, she told everyone and their mothers.... its a public photo album.
  17. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    she wasnt cheating. at all. she didnt even leave the house, didnt go to school, because he didnt want her to
  18. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    I just wanted to share something. Guys, never ever beat your women. One of my good friends moved away at the start of my senior year. Three months later she sent me a message on facebook saying she needed my opinion. Whether or not to press charges on her bf who thought she was cheating so he...
  19. Urca


    yeah, ill listen. im a pretty good flirt, but thats more in person. lol unless the guy was a real dick, i can always make him smile and laugh. im just not as sexual about it.. lol and i can talk to just about anybody, im pretty social. people really are surprised to find my shy side
  20. Urca


    lol i never start out trying to... i just post something, someone replies, then it takes off. my bad