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  1. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol im pretty sure you dont hate me, just get frustrated with me at times...
  2. Urca

    Coolest Kid in Town!

    thank you... god, makes me feel dumb. bleh. im supposed to be the smart one in the family
  3. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Fine, hope this helps with your thread... you did ask. its a repost now perk up!!!! i hate to see you sad... btw that bra has a black lacy overlay ;) hopefully it improves your mood
  4. Urca

    Coolest Kid in Town!

    i am too... normally im pretty good at spelling, i just dont know how to spell that word
  5. Urca

    Coolest Kid in Town!

    ^unnessary... yeah i said it
  6. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    btw, kuroi, fuck that dude. even if im not the gf, im not a secret, etc... i have a few kinks i need to work out, or just leave, but I would never let someone deny my existance!
  7. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol, im talking about the ones that say "shut the fuck up urca". Differing opinions? bring it on! even though you're hard on me i like what you have to say, even if i disagree
  8. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    lol raw, you missed when i was talking to three guys at once... thats a few threads old... that didnt work out, one really hurt me, the other just stopped talking to me, and Im still seeing David
  9. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    this is a different guy. The guy in this thread is one ive been messing around with and seeing since may. see my thread, "does this count as a date" I posted it before we hung out the first time
  10. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    he brushed them in the morning but not before he came to see me... it wasnt funky breath, just not fresh, i mean, i came home and my boobs smelled like his mouth... i guess he was really embarrassed so he didnt wanna kiss me and risk me grossing out... which i wouldnt have, i didnt think it was...
  11. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    eh, alot of its from haters... the rest answer a simple question... the simple question allows for diversity of answers
  12. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    no... basically i was pissed he rushed me into getting him off, didnt return the favor, and didnt kiss me. got one part resolved with the kissing, and im gonna work on getting him to get me off too
  13. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    ok, so i confronted him about it... and well, he apologized and all that good shit, i guess he was feeling hella self concious about his breath, so he would only brush his lips across my forehead... which makes sense cause even though his breath didnt stink, it wasnt exactly... fresh i guess. He...
  14. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    its not from walmart. to my knowledge i dont even think there is walmart in the uk... she just has a different taste in under garments..
  15. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    Wow... kinda bummed that you guys rag on me, or whatever.... i wasnt even trying to put my business out there, i just wanted to know how to get up the courage to say something thats hard to say
  16. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    fuck, id just be happy if he had kissed me, maybe touched me a bit. This is the first time he's ever been like this, as far as kissing and touching go. Which makes me nervous because like ever since i first met him, he's always been pretty sexually aggressive... shit the first time he touched my...
  17. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    the thread wasnt about my story, i didnt even wanna tell it, it was about wondering how to say "Dude, did I do something wrong last night? Because you didnt do anything for me and it hurts my feelings, especially cause I ALWAYS make sure you have fun, have your needs taken care of "
  18. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    Wtf? did you not read the story? I took care of his *needs*. Even though I didnt want to. I didnt say no except for the blowjob. Only reason why I didnt is because not at any point through the night did he try to kiss me, or even pleasure me except for playing with my chest a bit. But he sure...
  19. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    um, not the first date... this guy was my first kiss, only guy ive ever done stuff with. we've been doing shit like this since may
  20. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    ^ idk... its really really really hurting my feelings, especially since i waited two months to see him. Havent been with any other dudes either...