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  1. Urca

    Perplexing Questions.

    ^ ugh you ate period pussy? you nasty
  2. Urca

    Perplexing Questions.

    fucking gross. No i havent. im just saying, either she'd feel it or smell it, a blind person's sense of smell is like x3 sharper than a regular person. plus, blood as a copper smell
  3. Urca

    Perplexing Questions.

    ^what was her answer? by smell?
  4. Urca

    Perplexing Questions.

    My dad asked this one, "how does a deaf woman sound when she has an orgasm?"
  5. Urca

    5000+ Posts.

    idk, i just woke up one morning and he had been demoted. didnt seem too cut up about it, so i think its what he wanted. Idk, im pretty lit so that makes sense to me
  6. Urca

    What U Rocki'n To? Me? Tyler The Creator

    this was so good, i loved it!!!!!!!!
  7. Urca

    5000+ Posts.

    Fdd says he chose to be demoted
  8. Urca

    How Often Do You Clean Your Pipe?

    not even......
  9. Urca

    How Often Do You Clean Your Pipe?

    haha um,................
  10. Urca

    How Often Do You Clean Your Pipe?

    the whole pipe was black with resin, and the black part left is the resin i couldnt reach
  11. Urca

    How Often Do You Clean Your Pipe?

    ive been cleaning it since 11, and its almost done. i had to take it in the shower with me to get a clog loose, and i stuck it in hot water and let it soak...
  12. Urca

    How Often Do You Clean Your Pipe?

    My sister was given an old pipe, and she's been smoking out of it for a few days. she loaned it to me last night... I couldnt even get suction. So I hella cleaned it today, its been taking me a few hours, ive never seen such a dirty pipe. It was completely clogged. I soaked it in salt water...
  13. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    i just stopped paying attention... i dont really care
  14. Urca

    Domestic Violence?

    lol who's she? thats not my friend
  15. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    lol no, but he became intrigued. it became his life. he got accepted to holy cross college, which is like the seminary program for Notre Dame, full scholarship, the diocese is paying for his tution. He takes my non Catholic ass to church, and sometimes I find peace, the priest there spoke to me.
  16. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    funny thing, my friend who was becoming a priest was an atheist until he was like 12. Then he went to church and found god
  17. Urca

    The Kitty Washing Machine

    the cat is a beautiful cat... poor kitty, must be scared
  18. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    I just hate the way they treat relgious people. one of my best friends is becoming a priest, and the atheist teacher on campus gave him a hard time, for like two years
  19. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    god is god... wouldnt say great or bad, just kinda there
  20. Urca

    Murder is not wrong.

    Hmm, atheists kinda piss me off. Not for what they believe in, but the way they come off to everyone else. Kinda the same with hipsters....