Murder is not wrong.

Did they hug after they found eachother?

lol no, but he became intrigued. it became his life. he got accepted to holy cross college, which is like the seminary program for Notre Dame, full scholarship, the diocese is paying for his tution. He takes my non Catholic ass to church, and sometimes I find peace, the priest there spoke to me.
I'll never understand religion and going to church. Why wake up on sunday and go to church?

I would rather just wake up, rub one out and go back to sleep.
first off, i wanna say, all you people are very smart in your own way, and no matter the opposing thoughts, we all seem to get along (at least in this thread) like a big family :)

second, i do believe in God, and not that this will convince anyone who doesnt, but i once went to this church that they do like one week out of each month, and at a certain point, people would go up one by one to receive some sort of a 'blessing'... every single person that went up, after being prayed upon and such by the preist, would faint, and people behind would catch them and lay them gently on the floor!

that was pretty freaky! like the spirits or something were too much to handle, not really sure what it is, but very cool :)
Alright alright. Youre obviously begging for somebody to bite, WHAT nuclear assault on the middle east

Thank you...
At least someone cares..
We have been using Depleted Uranium rounds in Iraq and Afganistan we have been at constant war with Iraq for around 20 years, under Clinton we continued bombing operations and enforced no fly zones, the D.U. munitions are littering the region with radioactive waste, affecting them as well as our own troops.
i forget the whole story but there's some ship in the water from some accident like in the early 30's that is still leaking oil today... they never fixed it cause its like some sort of memorial. okay just leave the ship leaking oil... lmao
i forget the whole story but there's some ship in the water from some accident like in the early 30's that is still leaking oil today... they never fixed it cause its like some sort of memorial. okay just leave the ship leaking oil... lmao

theirs lost nukes out their like that, google it
No point. I know plenty of people like beardo, as far as conspiracy theories go... best just to ignore them

Oh how quick the uninformed are to dismiss that which they don't understand.
Here is another 'Conspiracy' we have U.S. military operating in violation of the constitution
Fighting in undeclared wars and following commands from foreign interests