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  1. Urca


    not at all
  2. Urca


    Lol but its like i dissassociate myself from my actions when i drink... when i smoke im completely aware, even if its too aware, i feel like i have control over my surroundings when im high... not so much when i am drunk, it scares me sometimes
  3. Urca

    Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

    Makes me sad. I love politics, but i will never go into politics... I dont wanna lose myself.
  4. Urca


    lol but im not. i drink like maybe once or twice a month.
  5. Urca


    yeah, id much rather smoke bud anyday. drinking changes me...
  6. Urca

    Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

    we're represented, but by people who sold their souls
  7. Urca


    my mom, my dad, my grandpa, my stepdad, my uncle all are alcoholics. Im afraid of being an alcoholic. Yet i drink... not very much, but when i do, i just drink as fast as i can to get as drunk as i can...
  8. Urca

    Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

    If obama implements this... he will never be reelected, i doubt if anyone would support him. And im sure alot of people would hold protests... personally i think its kinda unconstitutional. The only way they'd get me to pay is if they write it into the constitution.
  9. Urca


    its slightly tempting... i always do things because of the rush of doing something that you know is wrong... but i will NEVER DO METH. I just have to try things that arent addicting and dangerous, like maybe im some kind of adrenaline junkie... kinda why i pick fights, its the rush
  10. Urca


    Im pretty much trying to keep myself from trying it. You know, making sure I know the realities... because i am tempted to try harder and harder things, but i want to keep a hold of exactly why its bad, so i dont make the same mistakes as my family
  11. Urca


    what was that like?
  12. Urca


    My mom doesnt like to talk about it much, i hate my uncle, and my stepdad refuses to ever mention it. I wouldnt be comfortable in a na meeting, and im tired of reading the same stories on the internet. Im pretty sure alot of people here have at least tried it
  13. Urca

    Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

    Doesnt matter who created it, its still like wtf? is that even legal?
  14. Urca


    Yeah, i know meth is bad.... Shit, my mom lost all of her top teeth. Every single one... the dentist decided to pull them when the dog kept accidentally headbutting her in the mouth and her teeth would get huge chips... she wouldnt let him take any of her bottom teeth though, even though they...
  15. Urca


    hey, you're really starting to bug me. Chill, k? Im serious. You know I like you, but sometimes you just need to think before you speak My interest started cause of my mom, she was addicted to it, so is my uncle, so was my stepdad. this is for peacefulkid
  16. Urca

    What U Rocki'n To? Me? Tyler The Creator

    Nothing beats Pac. "Brenda's got a baby but brenda's barely got a brain, its a damn shame, the girl can barely spell her name. Its not our problem, its up to brenda's family, but me show you how it affects the whole community" Andre Nickatina is pretty good too
  17. Urca

    How many joints should get you high?

    ^bleh.......... yeah, you did, but i think the dude stated it better
  18. Urca


    So, I have a morbid fascination with the drug. Would never use it but i like to research it, read personal stories.. So if you have any anecdotes, feelings, etc, about meth, this is the thread.
  19. Urca

    How Often Do You Clean Your Pipe?

    haha basically i needed the water pressure from the bath faucet to blast out all the shit i loosened up, and the water was super hot too... I couldnt get anything to get some of that packed up shit in the bowl loose, had to loosen all of it through the carb, but it kept clogging, so I used the...
  20. Urca

    Perplexing Questions.

    i disagree..