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  1. Urca

    Losing Weight

    i wanna do zumba
  2. Urca

    Losing Weight

    she got d's.... i seen em.
  3. Urca

    Losing Weight

    Thats what Im saying.. 5'5 and 120? You got a body like a fox. Anything lower and you may start looking sickly
  4. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Um, where is her bra?
  5. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    Oh ok... didnt know you warned them. Yeah its not acceptable at my dinner table either... but sometimes it just happens... but if they do it on purpose or whatever, or cant hold it... they get the glare and yelled at
  6. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Its weird, my legs are stocky, but not fat... like disportionally thinner than the rest of my body. Im built like my dad in that way
  7. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Sorry! Just a pet peeve... like really? Unless your injured or in a wheel chair, take the stairs... there are alot of wheelchair bound people at my school, and they fight for space in the elevator cause every fat person decided stairs suck
  8. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    Lol i ended up shaking hands with and talking to for a few minutes to an older black dude... old people are so damn polite, its hard to be rude back, so I end up being just as polite back
  9. Urca

    Walking up stairs?

    Lol if i was big boned I wouldnt be 5'2. Its ok to say im fat
  10. Urca

    Losing Weight

    we had to get it from a doctor, because its expensive and hard to obtain. Which is why I think me and your wife did different things.
  11. Urca

    Losing Weight

    haha pm it to me
  12. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    lol a bit extreme... but my stepdad always burps in a hella obnoxious way, and sometimes my sister and i mimic him.... we were at the table after dinner, he was drinking a beer, burped, and my mom started yelling at him... then i took a drink of diet dr pepper, and right at the height of my mom...
  13. Urca

    Losing Weight

    why so we can discuss how and why you decided to get your red wings?
  14. Urca

    Losing Weight

    yeah, it fucks with your body. But I stuck to it... god i looked good when I was done..
  15. Urca

    Losing Weight

    its hard to explain. The doctor made my dad do it to save his life, then he made me do it too
  16. Urca

    People not saying "Thank you"

    its rude.... i mean, not as rude as other things, but its just polite to say bless you
  17. Urca

    Losing Weight

    Its a hormone not a vitamen... anyway, it fucked up my periods for a long time... not going into details but for six months or so afterwards, it was no bueno.
  18. Urca

    I made this topic

    No its not. Because Im not gonna get into it with this person... lol i dont even know this guy... lol if he had such a big problem with me, he could report my threads, but making a thread about me? Lol just brings me alot of the attention you claim i try to get... I dont try to get it, people...
  19. Urca

    I made this topic

    wow what a dick...
  20. Urca

    Losing Weight

    Do not do what I did. I went on a diet where you inject yourself with a hormone everyday... i had bruises everywhere... plus you only eat 500 cal a day... I lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks... but its hard to maintain