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  1. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    hey, i wonder if you noticed something... the blacks who lived through the civil rights era when they were the most oppressed... didnt act like ignorant fuckers. I understand what you're trying to say, but i will respectfully disagree... You are completely ignoring the fact that what they did...
  2. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    mine are big, and its not akward... they just look like super perky in the water lol. like fake barbie/plastic surgery perky... then you get out of the water and gravity works again
  3. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    haha thats the hardest part for me, taking off my clothes... so far he's pnly managed to convince me to lose the shirt and bra... im afraid he's not gonna be into it when the rest comes off.. oh well, back to pussy talk, no thread jacking here
  4. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    actually, i wanted to see if they floated in the pool. I went skinny dipping. Yes, they float
  5. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    if a guy treats a girl off of how she looks when she is naked, im fucked. even if i had the prettiest vagina in the world, id still be fucked
  6. Urca

    Holy Fuck ME Batman!!!

    Fuck spiders. Im not as afraid of them as i used to be, but fuck them. kill them if they're in your house. Snakes dont scare me, i wouldnt choose to be around one, but im not afraid...
  7. Urca

    Im fuckin sick of looking at Trannies posted on here

    i want to know what the fuck is the red thing coming out of the guys asses he's been posting? makes my stomach hurt looking at it
  8. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    haha i want to try getting a wax... but im scared!! Dont want a bunch of ladies talking shit in vietnamese about my red pubic hair or my weight!
  9. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    please, black people arent oppressed anymore... they act all fucking crazy unless their parents raised them right. which, the parents of my black friends have. Fuck this... are we supposed to look the other way as hate crimes are perpetrated? or does it not matter if the victims are white? Race...
  10. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol well its relevant to the thread... be careful shaving, if you cut your pussy it bleeds like crazy!
  11. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    ok, exofoliate, get the cream, and be careful... one time when i was 16, i was shaving down there, cut myself, didnt think anything of it... i get dressed, go to hang out with my sister... she asked me if i had started my period. I said no why? she said look down. I had a huge blood stain...
  12. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol i want to, but really, its kinda embarassing being the fat girl who walks in and gets a wax! would you want to be the person doing it? fuck no!
  13. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol my brother admitted that to me once... he said it was gross not to.
  14. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol its just hella sensitive... my madre and sister have the same problem, i have to be super careful...
  15. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    I do it just because... I hate doing it but it seems its what guys like, and i dont ever want to put anyone off by not doing it... when you see girls in the locker room who have pubic hair escaping their panties, grosses me out... but fuck, its such a pain to shave and like i always get little...
  16. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    Lol kuroi, what did you mean i am wrong? i dont wanna take over... i personally thought this would be like "Pussy: What do you want to know?" Like for the dumbass guys who have no idea what goes on down there except it better be shaved, better smell good, and that it has periods.
  17. Urca

    It's my birthday :)

    Lol i gave you bday rep, sorry yesterday sucked... my 16th birthday really really really sucked, so i feel you. But my best birthday was my 18th bday... Lol most recent. I will never forget it.
  18. Urca

    Got Swag?

    Im saying is, white boys who act like that... its a southern thing. white boys can act black out here without doing all that... that dude is a caricature of himself
  19. Urca

    Got Swag?

    that white guy is a punk, a fake ass bitch.. that shit would never happen out in cali
  20. Urca

    Cop Got Caught On Camera

    im tired of you talking shit on white people... damn, not every white person is a racist, and not every white girl is a skank... want a skank, come up here and meet the black and mexican girls i know.. they get down.