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  1. Urca

    Im fuckin sick of looking at Trannies posted on here

    gah im super tempted to ask but im afraid of the answer...
  2. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol even then you had an oral fixation!! i kid i kid
  3. Urca

    Im fuckin sick of looking at Trannies posted on here

    I am very sorry. I didnt mean to offend, i just didnt think there was anything else but... you know, anal and oral and maybe a hand job... kinda scary to think of what it is you guys do if it doesnt fall into those three catagories... like some super inventive way that i dont need to hear about
  4. Urca

    If you want blod

    Ah but you have jacked mercilessly with others.
  5. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    its the way of the world. I can work harder, be smarter, and rise above it. That just means Ill appreciate what i earn more instead of it being given to me.
  6. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    Um, no. Im not a social retard. Btw, i already told you, no one can be equal to someone else. there is always something better about you or about them. They may be smarter, I may be more well spoken. They can be more attractive, but I may know how to do something that they cant.
  7. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    you dont even know how i act in public! i told her to please stop being rude to me, and if she was gonna talk shit about people, then she could do her own damn work on her own, she didnt need my help.
  8. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    Lol its how i feel. No one is equal in looks, intelligence, wealth, the love they recieve, etc... no one gets the same treatment from everybody. no one is equal. but we all have the same rights. freedom to speak freely, worship as we choose. to pursue life liberty and happiness. to fair...
  9. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    im talking about those fucking ghetto ass people who act all crazy then expect the world to owe them something, or be afraid of offending them due to their blackness. Or that no one can tell them anything, because as one little hood rat sweetly told me one time "its black people business..."...
  10. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    Striving for equality is striving for perfection. It doesnt exist. That doesnt mean we dont all have the same rights. Everyone is born with the same basic human rights, and no one is born equal. Do i agree that they should recieve the same sentence as a white person? Absolutely. Thats more of a...
  11. Urca

    10+ Rep bars? Let me hear your voice RIU addicts and old schoolers

    me= riu addict. dont know if i deserved my ten bars, but whatever, i dont choose who gives me rep and the reason they give me rep
  12. Urca

    Paraphernalia Storage Containers

    its where you keep fishing supplies
  13. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    Its a crime to have weed. Simple fact. You get caught up, you get caught up. Tough luck. If they didnt get arrested for doing illegal things, they'd never be in court in the first place.
  14. Urca

    Paraphernalia Storage Containers

    lol do what my mom does. get one of those HUGE lockable jewelry boxes... you can keep it in your room, pretend its your wife's, and it has lots of neat compartments and space, and it keeps prying eyes away
  15. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    Not at all. Im saying, inequalities will always exist. So, instead of playing into them, overcome them. Prove people wrong. Be the best that you can be. If you dont like it, then change it. Be the counter example to every stereotype they throw in your face. Even in doing this, some people will...
  16. Urca

    If you want blod

    Lol i can promise im not a whale...
  17. Urca

    If you want blod

    your so witty!
  18. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    I never said you were a communist, not that you believed that way. Im saying trying to make everyone equal will never work. It will never happen. Like i said, read harrison beregeon if you want everyone to be equal. Im sorry that you had to work through college, im sorry i dont have to work...
  19. Urca

    If you want blod

    Lol im pretty sure im not a whale, im a girl on here and in real life. my vagina and breasts tell me so. You just enjoy talking shit, but whatever
  20. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    did i ever insult you? i did not. btw, yeah, they go to jail, but its because THEY COMMIT CRIMES. And communism wanted everyone to be equal. But equality inspires mediocrity. Read Harrison Beregeon. No one is born equal. They are born with the same rights, but everyone isnt equal. Did i say...