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  1. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    ive never said anything about you personally, but whatever. anyway, you're justifying bad behavior with statistics. Saying opression this and opression that. Fuck that. They are as oppressed as the next average joe. Just because they do stupid shit to end up in jail doesnt mean they are...
  2. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    lol, inequalities exist. they always will. should we let them define who we are as a people? if that was true, id be married off right now expecting my first kid, just like my grandmother after she graduated high school. I wouldnt have the right to vote, inheirit property, have my own bank...
  3. Urca

    Im fuckin sick of looking at Trannies posted on here

    new mods are coming soon, but this makes me miss fdd, even if he doesnt like me much, he would have never let this happen
  4. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol ive never shown my bare legs on here? my legs are actually small compared to my body. same goes with my arms. im built just like my daddy. Strong, not overly fat legs with strong claves, arms that have flab but not excessively like humongous, flat ass, big tummy, and i got big boobs... he...
  5. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    yes! yes it was!
  6. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    hmm, im interested in your response to my long comment. problably some liberal biased shit.
  7. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    hmm... bad shit happens. its still a hate crime. but, i wasnt being a racist. too many people cry racist when they hear an unpleasent truth. Yes, there are some slightly racist comments on here. but the other things stated? a sad truth. There are positives and negitives of every race, white...
  8. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol is it really pee?
  9. Urca

    It's my birthday :)

    rats... oh well, i guess maybe on the next birthday
  10. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    Lol fine.. geeze dont be so uptight... just curious. im gonna go eat my emotions now
  11. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol how does her sadness lower your self esteem? and yeah, i can see why a fat chick talking shit to you when you took a chance on dating her would do that. Personally, thats not my style. I talk shit to like my sister and mom, girls i dont like in public, ass hole guys... but never once have i...
  12. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    ^explain what you mean by that?
  13. Urca

    It's my birthday :)

    can i have a peice of that cake? please? lol
  14. Urca

    Holy Fuck ME Batman!!!

    I wanna punch her in the throat
  15. Urca

    Im fuckin sick of looking at Trannies posted on here

    Oh, its his intesines? gah... wtf man btw, i thought you were gay... so does that mean you're on top? or only do oral? correct me if im wrong or being offensive
  16. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    thats what im saying... lol if a guy is with you, he shouldnt feel his self esteem go down... he should be like "wow, im happy she chose me". same for a girl. If you care about someone, it shouldnt make you feel like your settling
  17. Urca

    Im fuckin sick of looking at Trannies posted on here

    please tell me? is it like their asshole or something? or what?
  18. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    see, again with the personal comments. uncalled for, especially if you're trying to highlight my childishness, whats more childish than calling names? I read for comprehension. I understand what you are saying. You're blatantly ignoring the wrongness of the actions to attack those who say...
  19. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    oh, so your saying if i was hot or whatever, he'd think he was the shit, and could pull any girl he wanted, so he'd just leave me because he thinks he can find someone hotter. But if i look the way i do now, i just get a man who is kinda disapointed with the way i look, but wont leave
  20. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    wow, so in dating me someone's self esteem will go down?