People not saying "Thank you"


Well-Known Member
it's sad to see how many people get bent out of shape over the words "excuse me" or "thank you"
why the hell do you care if some people don't say it? in what way does it effect you?

sorry buddy, but hating things like that doesn't make you any better than the people who don't have manners.

i usually say thanks when someone opens a door for me and i always hold the door for others, but there are times that i'll forget to say thank you for things like that.
that doesn't mean i'm a rude person or an asshole with no manners.

yeah, i would feel disrespected if i went out of my way to help a friend and he/she didn't thank me.. but i wouldn't run to the internet to cry like a baby about it.

keep being polite, it's a good trait to have. but stop hating, and stop expecting people to be perfect all the time.


Well-Known Member
I think its not about the words, but the way the person comes off. They can show that they acknowledge you with a smile, or a head nod or whatever, and its cool... but its the people who act like they own the place, knock into people, force their way past other people, etc.... which makes me mad. I dont expect to hear thank you or excuse me, but at least acknowledge that im here when you bowl into me, or when i hold a door open for you.


Well-Known Member
I hate when I say hi to someone and they ignore me or give me a weird look- a lot of times I will curse them out all crazy and just walk away- Fuck you if you can't say hi !


Well-Known Member
I hate it when you say "Excuse me" and the person wont budge, pretending they didnt hear you, little kids are especially bad with this, not trying to sound racist, but usually its either little black kids who are the worst with this. Then they grow up and still have terrible manners. However, all the ones I happen to be friends with are very polite, even if they sound ghetto, they dont act like it. But i had this black dude hella shove me out of the way more than once... idk, it just seems like my generation of black people are rude as hell... but the older they get, the nicer... I just avoid the ghetto acting ones, and make really good friends with the ones who know how to act in public
those people with bad manners are called niggers, i have no qualms with black people


Pickle Queen
It bothers me when people don't take the 2 seconds to wait and hold the door for me or the person behind them, hell most people don't even look u in the eyes and even say a simple hello, so damn rude but some people can't help if they were raised by ignorant parents who never explained to them the importance of holding ur head high, looking people square in the eyes when u talk with them, always say please and thank u, and ALWAYS RESPECT UR ELDERS!!! Such basic skills sooo many lack ;)

Morning Urca :) And Beardo !!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It's sad what people think of the youth nowadays. I always remember to say thankyou, help old people carry shopping and escort them across the street and they genuinely seem shocked that I wasn't trying to rob them or something. Even if they don't say thankyou sometimes they smile and I get that warm fuzzy feeling.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Growing up we had to say those 'magic' words: please and thank you. If you didn't use them you got squat from everyone in the family. If you didn't say it and they gave it to you you were both in trouble.

I remember when gentlemen opened car doors for ladies, took their hats off in a building, offered to help a lady with her coat, helped older people with heavy things, etc.

All those nice things that men/women did for each other were always followed with a 'thank you kind sir/madam'. A tip of the hat had meaning. A woman's gentle nod of the head had meaning too. Waiting for older people was a given and they appreciated it, you could see it in their eyes. Times have changed and maybe not all for the better.


Well-Known Member
So I just wanna say.. I HATE HATE HATE when you go out of your way and do something for someone.

and they dont say thank you. like is it asking too much of people now to say 2 simple words?

I think its just rude...

who else agrees..
Totally Agreed!!!!


Well-Known Member
It bothers me when people don't take the 2 seconds to wait and hold the door for me or the person behind them, hell most people don't even look u in the eyes and even say a simple hello, so damn rude but some people can't help if they were raised by ignorant parents who never explained to them the importance of holding ur head high, looking people square in the eyes when u talk with them, always say please and thank u, and ALWAYS RESPECT UR ELDERS!!! Such basic skills sooo many lack ;)

Morning Urca :) And Beardo !!!bongsmilie
Morning!!! I do all the above you mentioned, I smile at people constantly at school, walking to and from school, saying hello... its polite and makes me smile. My only issue is looking people in the eye when I am mad or when they are mad at me... My mom makes me look her dead in the eye and i cant do it... people always ask me why i cant look them in the eye and yell at them... I just cant


Well-Known Member
See im glad im not the only one who thinks it annoying.
And im glad to see there was only one person to bitch about. lol

I <3 RIU


Well-Known Member
Please is my pet peeve. I will be at a friends houses and their kids will say. Dad, get me a drink! I said, you could have at least said bitch after that, if you couldn't say please. He said oh they aren't used to that. I said, it's your fault ya dipshit.


Well-Known Member
So I just wanna say.. I HATE HATE HATE when you go out of your way and do something for someone.

and they dont say thank you. like is it asking too much of people now to say 2 simple words?

I think its just rude...

who else agrees..
i agree people have no manners these days :D


Well-Known Member
i'm polite and have manners.. but i hate the whole "bless you" thing after someone sneezes, so i never do it.

do you think thats rude?

and it's not like i don't say it for religious reasons, i just don't say it becuase it doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
i hate when someone farts and says excuse me. its like, if youre sorry then just hold the little shit in. just sayin. ;)