Walking up stairs?


Well-Known Member
Lol so every tuesday and thursday i have a class on the fourth floor of a building. I always take the stairs, even when there is an elevator availible. But today it hit me. Im the only fat person I see walking up four flights of stairs.... All the other people are slim to chunky... then when i reached the top floor, I saw all of the fat people coming out of the elevator... Wtf is that shit? Like seriously, you cant bother to walk up some goddamn stairs? I mean, its four flights of stairs, but if i can haul my ass up the stairs, weighing what i do, so can they.

Not to say it doesnt make me breath a bit heavy, but its better than riding in a goddamn elevator everytime


Well-Known Member
Things they might be thinking:
1. That sounds like exercise, fuck that.
2. It might get too crowded in the stair well if we all take the stairs.
3. If I get stuck behind some slow ass sloth, I might be late to class.


Well-Known Member
Things they might be thinking:
1. That sounds like exercise, fuck that.
2. It might get too crowded in the stair well if we all take the stairs.
3. If I get stuck behind some slow ass sloth, I might be late to class.
Lol I chug my way up the stairs, if i go slow then i feel like im blocking people. But still, its like how lazy can you get. I know skinny people take the elevator too, but the fat people are always first in line... please... its not that hard if i can do it. i weigh more than some of them!


Well-Known Member
So confront your fellow fat people and express your disgust with them. Not your fellow RIU members. I can not identify.


bud bootlegger
well, why do you think that they are so fat urca?? i'd say probably a bad diet and lack of exorcise.. some people get heavy and just say eff it, this is how i'm always going to be and don't lift a finger to try and change a thing.. the seem content knowing that they are heavy and probably won't live as long as a skinnier person would and will probably have more health issues as an adult in later life..
step one for them is admit that they are fat and have a problem, till that point, they're always going to be first inline for the elevator, simple fact of life..


Well-Known Member
And this most big stores have the electric scooters for people to use..and who do you always see in them ...the big fat people..there lazy asses need to walk and get exercise...


bud bootlegger
And this most big stores have the electric scooters for people to use..and who do you always see in them ...the big fat people..there lazy asses need to walk and get exercise...
man, you are so fucking right about that one dsb.. sometimes on sundays, we will go to the local swap meet, and all of the time, i'll see this bag ass fat people riding around on their scooters.. now that shit really pisses me off way more than say seeing one take an elevator instead of the stairs as christ, you mean to tell me you allowed yourself to get so fucking fat that you can't even walk anymore?? shame on them..
i'm not really fat per se, but since i'm out of work on ue, i've packed away a few extra pounds for sure and have a nice budda belly, plus i've been smoking newports like they are going out of style, lol..
but damn, i can get my starting to get fatter body out there and walk around.. granted, i'm a sweaty mess at the end of the day, but damn, i do it, and i enjoy the exorcise for sure.. makes me feel good to get out and do a lil something something.. idk.. it just pisses me off to see these big turds cruising in their rascal scooters and expect me to get out of their way because they now don't have enough room to get by me..


Well-Known Member
man, you are so fucking right about that one dsb.. sometimes on sundays, we will go to the local swap meet, and all of the time, i'll see this bag ass fat people riding around on their scooters.. now that shit really pisses me off way more than say seeing one take an elevator instead of the stairs as christ, you mean to tell me you allowed yourself to get so fucking fat that you can't even walk anymore?? shame on them..
i'm not really fat per se, but since i'm out of work on ue, i've packed away a few extra pounds for sure and have a nice budda belly, plus i've been smoking newports like they are going out of style, lol..
but damn, i can get my starting to get fatter body out there and walk around.. granted, i'm a sweaty mess at the end of the day, but damn, i do it, and i enjoy the exorcise for sure.. makes me feel good to get out and do a lil something something.. idk.. it just pisses me off to see these big turds cruising in their rascal scooters and expect me to get out of their way because they now don't have enough room to get by me..
are you smoking the 100's or the regulars? i like the regulars bc they feel stronger, but they burn so damn fast so you're kind of forced to smoke them more often. i'm kinda hooked on the camel crushes right now, not sure how long it'll take until i get sick of em.

but smoking allows me to take big healthy shits lol, every time i quit the constipation starts up. and i'll be damned if i'm shoving a big greasy suppository up my ass.


Well-Known Member
are you smoking the 100's or the regulars? i like the regulars bc they feel stronger, but they burn so damn fast so you're kind of forced to smoke them more often. i'm kinda hooked on the camel crushes right now, not sure how long it'll take until i get sick of em.

but smoking allows me to take big healthy shits lol, every time i quit the constipation starts up. and i'll be damned if i'm shoving a big greasy suppository up my ass.
Umm, try metamucil packets in a glass of water. No anal insertion needed. I pound one every night and stay regular. It's a good feeling.


Well-Known Member
Its just, I know I weigh ALOT. Yet I still walk to and from school, up those stairs etc... and I was a dancer... doesnt mean im in shape, but i have a bit more stamina... doesnt excuse the fact that walking up stairs wont kill you. May suck ass, because I was breathing hella hard when I got to the top, but I bet it really helped me out in the long run... plus it makes my calves get a work out, which is good, cause i was losing the muscle i built up from dance


Well-Known Member
Heavy girls shouldnt work out their calves until after the weight is lost...otherwise you get some mean canckles


Well-Known Member
Walking up Stairs, eh? I'll leave this one alone.....

But COME ON Urca...:roll:

Sorry! Just a pet peeve... like really? Unless your injured or in a wheel chair, take the stairs... there are alot of wheelchair bound people at my school, and they fight for space in the elevator cause every fat person decided stairs suck