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  1. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    no idea man... never sold weed or anything to anyone
  2. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    so I found the hermie tonight... I ended it's life... but I'm pretty sure it's all screwwed. so this weekend I'm choppin... the trichs are 100% cloudy so it'll be ok... better then clear but not soo good as it could be :'( alwell... I'll let ya know how much I get.....
  3. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    I smoke too much to sell it lol.... also I smoke it for muscle pain... I've had a bunch of surgeries...
  4. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    I've been pretty lucky with not having to buy or order seeds I know lots of people that smoke and grow so they just hook me up..... yeah I'm not growing for money... just personal aswell... was hoping to get a qp off my 4 plants... but I doubt that will happen when it's all dry.... we'll...
  5. Tanis83

    Harvest guess that's why I keep pushing you to the grow faq guy ;) it has EVERYTHING there.... I've been on here a little more lately and I've posted growfaq links atleast 4 times a night helpin guys out... there is a reason the guys and girls...
  6. Tanis83

    do seeds have better yield than clone

    I think I just had an accident in my pants..... I hope the old lady doesn't get jealous :D
  7. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    oh! I almost forgot I have pics of my last plants as well as the bud I got off of it :D to give you an idea :D yeah I know the side pix suck
  8. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    here's a pic of my cab... my plants are between 15" and 27" I just cut one down tonight and I will post a wet weight tomorrow when I borrow a buddies scale... I also attached a pic of one of them when it was only 6" tall ;) notice the branchsites being so close... how close do you have your...
  9. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    lol ok how big is your grow area??? for a plant that is a foot tall... you should have a 1-2 gallon pot max..... go to the growfaq and your next grow will be way way way better.... off a 12" plant I got an oz last crop and a 14" I got just over an oz.... you should post some pix cause well I...
  10. Tanis83

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    They seem to be doing good :D LOL I just picked up an air scrubber.... had the 'rents down this last weekend first thing my mom did was say "it smells in here" lol THIS THING IS HUGE!!!!
  11. Tanis83

    Harvest guess

    first off if you wanna learn anything go here more info from the faq There are others but you will have to look them up... no one's gonna say how much you will yield it's totally up in...
  12. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    lol ok so yeah... my mom ended up buying this filter for me... *shocked* this thing is RETARTED!!! the picture and ruler will tell all...
  13. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    I got all the forms and shiz... just actually have to go get everything finished..... ;) so yeah not just saying it... I got about 200 T3's that I will never use cause they make me sick....
  14. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    yeah she knows what the smell is ;) I use it for the pain in my ear... I've had between 10-12 operations with bone and skin graphs so there is a lot of scare tissues.... smokin pot helps the muscles around the scare tissue relax :D way better then pain killers that last for like 20 min and you...
  15. Tanis83

    12/12 from seed? how long?

    yeah I checked the post... it also has to do with strain of plant... as well as enviromental conditions..... I've seen a couple other people that had some 12/12 from seed and it was a twig... with a bud at the top.... nice bud don't get me wrong... but yeah the guy in your post did an...
  16. Tanis83

    How often?

    ;) you can also check the grow faq. they have EVERYTHING in there it's like the pot growing hand book :D I wish I had found this site before I had downloaded like 10 vids on how to grow.... it's way easier on here :D
  17. Tanis83

    12/12 from seed? how long?

    ok so yeah... lets try to take that foot out of my mouth now... lol
  18. Tanis83

    12/12 from seed? how long?

    yeah man let them veg for a few weeks... like 3 or 4 and you will end up with a small plant.... if you go from seed you'll mostlikely stress the hell outta it and it'll probably hermie.... but... if your lucky... you will end up with 1 bud... on a twig ;)
  19. Tanis83

    Virgin Purple Kush Grower

    What you growing those under???? I've got a 400 watt hps
  20. Tanis83

    How often?

    LOL wow *shakes head* I want a T-shirt like that!!! *imagines the graphic that could be on the front*