Harvest guess


Well-Known Member
How much yall think two females would make under a 400w usein pure blend bloom (grow during veg) of KC mango
shit, what is up with all these yield questions on here!? not too be an ass, but you'll have dudes rippin ya for this, i see it all the time...it's a real tough fucking question to answer, can't be done to anything that close, shit, 4 ozs!? depends on grower skill, conditions, soil, ventilation, pot size...just be patient and post pictures along the way...peace


Well-Known Member
first off if you wanna learn anything go here https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq

https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=167 more info from the faq

There are others but you will have to look them up...

no one's gonna say how much you will yield it's totally up in the air.... way way way too many questions to be asked about the grow area, and so on and so on.... this is just a retarted question "How much yall think two females would make under a 400w usein pure blend bloom (grow during veg) of KC mango" since there is no "veg time" how long you going to veg them for??? are you going to be transplanting your seedlings from 4" pots to 8" pot then to a 2 gallon pot then to your 5???? or are you going to just put them in the 5 gallon pot.......

I could really keep going on and on and on and on and on.... but it's useless....

if your going to post a question like this.... atleast have the smarts to post the rest of the info along with it ;) Thank.......


Well-Known Member
lol ok how big is your grow area???

for a plant that is a foot tall... you should have a 1-2 gallon pot max..... go to the growfaq and your next grow will be way way way better.... off a 12" plant I got an oz last crop and a 14" I got just over an oz.... you should post some pix cause well I can;t make any kinda guess if I can't see what I'm dealing with....

in your 12" how many budsites do you have?


Well-Known Member
well it is my first time. i havnt counted the bud sights one is just showing signs the other has alot of spots its got hair comein out like... 6 or more they are in 5 gallons since i know they grow alot in flower so i wouldnt have to transplant it much they are 12'' but its only like the second week of flower. i can add a pic tomorrow


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of my cab... my plants are between 15" and 27"

I just cut one down tonight and I will post a wet weight tomorrow when I borrow a buddies scale...

I also attached a pic of one of them when it was only 6" tall ;) notice the
branchsites being so close... how close do you have your light?

my cabinet is only 30" x 30" x 4' tall...

if I had your space and I had the experience I have now... I could probably get around 4-6 oz per plant......

but to get the best yield I would recommend letting your plant fill into a pot and then transplanting it.... I transplanted my plants 2 times in veg *1 month for me*

and a 5 gallon pot is way too big for a 1' plant... rule of thumb that I've read around here is 1 gallon per 1' of growth... just to help ya out next time :D



Well-Known Member
8'' from the top i started at 30 when young lowered a inch a day so the plant could " harden to the light" think you could explain to me about what budsite look like? is it at birds eye view all the hairs comeing out of the end of the branches? for some reason to me in pics i can never tel what the buds are or where they start growing.. on plant looks nothing like after cut down and dried


Well-Known Member

that's why I keep pushing you to the grow faq guy ;) it has EVERYTHING there....

I've been on here a little more lately and I've posted growfaq links atleast 4 times a night helpin guys out...

there is a reason the guys and girls that run this site make the growfaq....

the reason I see it for being able to post pix and ask questions on here is when it's some kinda annomoly *definately spelt wrong lol* or to show of thier stuff :D

I'm guilty of it too til I went and spent some time in there... they also will show you how much space a 400watt hps will cover and how many plants you can fit in there....

if your looking to get a high yield I was looking at a 32 site DIY areogarden or something in the DIY section... the guy was getting 2 lbs off of it and it's SMALL!!! in your space you could fit like 5 or 6 of these things... *might need some more light when they are small though*

and to do that you could just start one plant or 2 plants... grow them bushy... then flower them and find out sex..... then within the first week clone the bitch and you can fill your areo garden with one plant ;)


Well-Known Member
i do check out the grow faqs all the time thanks. ill check out ur link. first grow hopein to get personal smoke for a damn long time lol i also have 2 kc brain and power skunk ready for next time. i wanted to get some femd but to nervous to order more.


Well-Known Member
I've been pretty lucky with not having to buy or order seeds

I know lots of people that smoke and grow so they just hook me up.....

yeah I'm not growing for money... just personal aswell... was hoping to get a qp off my 4 plants... but I doubt that will happen when it's all dry.... we'll see anyway.

check out my grow journal below :D


Well-Known Member
2 Females
400W Light
Soil or Hydro? I duno coz I didn't read the thread lol, but I would guess soil.
Not sure how big your room is.
KC Mango

...I'd guess 3 ounces (84 grams) on the low side, and 5 ounces (140 grams) on the high side ... That's my guess!

Let me know how close I get to it!!!