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  1. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    So yeah... I ended up having mom and dad come down last weekend... and as soon as my mom walked through the door she gave me a look and said "It smells in here" so yeah.. now everytime I walk through the door I notice mad bud.... So tomorrow I'm getting this new airfilter :D I'll post pix and...
  2. Tanis83

    How often?

    haven't lived at my place long enough to get my compost going ;) this spring it should be good though once it warms up... I went around and raked up mad amounts of leaves from the trees around... as well as grass clippings and some soil and veggie waste..... I've got 50 lbs of worm castings here...
  3. Tanis83

    How often?

    I'd rather go and dig a hole in my back yard to get soil then to us MG time released EEEEWWWW!!!!! but I guess if it works for them....
  4. Tanis83

    How often?

    it depends on the size of your pots and how much water your soil will hold.... I have 4 plants 3 in 3 gallon pots and 1 in a 1 gallon pot... the three gallon pots I water every 4-5 days.... alternating nutes and molasses..... for the 1 gallon pot I usually end up watering it every 2 days...
  5. Tanis83

    Virgin Purple Kush Grower

    check your Trichromes.... my trichs are sitting at about 95% cloudy 5% clear..... only another 2 - 3 weeks for me....
  6. Tanis83

    Virgin Purple Kush Grower

    I would never sell any of my stuff... I doing it to save money so ;)
  7. Tanis83

    Virgin Purple Kush Grower

    lookin nice man :D I'm on my second go around with purple kush :D AWESOME strain!!!!! I was very impressed with my last yield I got an oz off of each of my plants and they were only 12" and 14" tall :D check out my journal... I'm doing three strains this time :D
  8. Tanis83

    confused on times

    vegging is 18 on 6 off..... flower is 12 12 vegging time is all personal preference... depends on the space you have to grow in.. plants will double to triple in height when put to flower... so just keep that in mind... also 1 cfl light probably won't be enough but I've never done a pc...
  9. Tanis83

    Walmart also has the 100watt 150 watt and 200 watt lights in the lighting section ;) I think...

    Walmart also has the 100watt 150 watt and 200 watt lights in the lighting section ;) I think the 200 is $20
  10. Tanis83

    whats this smell. read this next time you should go look before you say you have and it's not there here's the water curing method as well..... *I've never tried the water cure... the glass mason...
  11. Tanis83

    is it flowering?

    looks like a girl to me.... I would say it's not a hermie
  12. Tanis83

    can stress cause hermies?pics

    yeah man.... it can just be one branch of a plant that turned hermie doesn't have to be the whole thing...
  13. Tanis83

    whats this smell. read this

    dood see that "growfaq" go up there and take a look... it will tell you when is time to harvest... how to dry and how to cure........ or you can search for threads with that info....
  14. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    get yourself a bathroom fan and mount it... ;) that's what I got 80 cfm keeps my 400 watt hps cool and I got a 30" x 30" x 4' cabinet
  15. Tanis83

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    lookin good man!
  16. Tanis83

    400w hps

    yeah my place is pretty fragrant right now..... but alwell
  17. Tanis83

    400w hps

    I did those from seed with my hps :D it works fine
  18. Tanis83

    Need help picking soil from local retailers TONIGHT PLZ

    I'd stay away from MG soils as they mostly have time release nutes... and are no good for seedlings... and everytime you water they get a feedding....
  19. Tanis83

    400w hps

    I got 3 in 3 gallon pots and 1 in 1 gallon pot... I'd recommend stayin with the 1 gallon pots cause it will limit how big your plants get... I ended up having to tie my ladies down cause they grew too big... check out my journal if you want more info ;) I'm almost there... I checked my...
  20. Tanis83

    Need help picking soil from local retailers TONIGHT PLZ

    I just use sterile soil.... with a combo of 40% sand 40% hummus/peat and 20% vermiculite or what ever the hell it is... it's good for drainage and there is little to no nutes in it *all soil has some nutes no matter what* you can buy all of these seperate at wally world no problem :D or you...