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  1. Tanis83

    First Real grow setup. Need advice. *Pics*

    what about running it to your wall... then down the wall and out of the room... atleast some of it wil make it outta there... How many plants you thinking of putting in there? Also you should transplant your plants from smaller pots to larger pots.... it helps them grow better, having the roots...
  2. Tanis83

    First Real grow setup. Need advice. *Pics*

    can you not just get some dryer ducting and some duct tape and run it outta the room through you oh so thick walls :D
  3. Tanis83

    First Real grow setup. Need advice. *Pics*

    are you going to run the exhaust from your lights out of your grow space???
  4. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    yeah I have a couple of pullies that I used for raising my last reflector.... I can use them to pull the branches to the walls in areas that have no plants..... but I really think I'll have to get rid of my cucumber plant soon LOL *you can see it hiding in the back with its black fencing*
  5. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    here are my babies :D the tallest is 21" from the top of the soil to the top of the plant and the smallest is 8" *clone* you can see it's kinda crowded in there lol
  6. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    nice.... yeah I built a small cabinet and kinda grew them to long before turning to flower *oops*
  7. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    :( I think I'm gonna run into the same problem with my little room... I can only move my lights up about another 4-6" before it's maxed.... and well my tallest plant is probably 2" away from getting burned and I just turned them to flower just over a week ago.... I'm gonna have to tie the top...
  8. Tanis83

    When are buds ripest

    look in the Grow Faq at the top of the page... :D they will let you know pretty much everything you need to know there :D :D just to make it easier
  9. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    lol or you could just you know put it in soem soil and you won't have to worry about that step LOL
  10. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    so today I ran around looking for some ferts and could not find any fox farm ferts... I'll keep lookin but I found this "Liquid Growth" and I'm gonna try it. 8-16-8 and it's suposedly made with "food" grade ferts instead of "commercial" from the read up I found on the net it's bio and eco...
  11. Tanis83

    need help with sexing.

    Nmh and HPS where I am you have to get them at an electrical store.... you can find them on ebay and stuff online
  12. Tanis83

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    Gotta get up and get ready for work :( atleast its friday... and it is payday today too :D I'm gonna try to get some Fox Farms ferts today.... hopefully I won't have to drive outta town to get them :D
  13. Tanis83

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    your Dog looks like Chewie off star wars... I think he looks pretty cool.. *bad rep for a pic thats just as bad as my bad rep for asking how to add rep, my skin changed on the site and the scales we not there any more.....*
  14. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    I can get my 400 watt HPS about 8" away.... although I do have to larger fans blowing though the canopies of my plants......
  15. Tanis83

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    I've done one shot of Bloom Builder and that was like 3 weeks or so ago... the rest of the time it's alternating water and water + molasses....
  16. Tanis83

    need help with sexing.

    you gotta look at the spectrum of the bulb as well wether it be a blue spectrum or a red spectrum..... you can use the reds for Vegging as well as flowering then you don't have to get double the lights.... or you can opt for like say a 400 watt HPS like I got and you'll get better results :D...
  17. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    Thanks Josh :D I'll post some close ups tomorrow of some budsites :D I can't wait..... I'm in there every morning as soon as they wake up :D
  18. Tanis83

    need help with sexing. doesn't get any easier then this ;)
  19. Tanis83

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    nice. there are two different kinds of molasses and one plants use and one they don't I go with Blackstrap Molasses. I don't even meassure it out when I put it in, just glob a huge big dose and shake it up in the water til it's all dissolved. Turns the water brown. I've been using it since...
  20. Tanis83

    need help with sexing.

    yeah it only takes one to pollinate the entire crop so it's good to be on the safe side.... I ended pulling one that I thought was male... posted pix on here.... and everyone else agreed with me... so I pulled it.... now my other plant looks pretty much identical.... @ the nodes and it's...