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  1. Tanis83

    plant droopin? need help

    yeah more light definately... how old is that thing? what's your lighting schedule?
  2. Tanis83

    Humidity problem

    yeah you can tie them down... I had to tie mine down... I started them at the start of dec also.. but didn't put them to flower til dec 30th... you got any bud pix???? here's some of mine from a few days ago ;) How close do you have your HPS????? and just remember that when you put your...
  3. Tanis83

    Heavy yellowing at onset! Help

    when you put your plant to flower your leaves will start to yellow starting at the bottom and progressing up.... it's natrual... leave them on there til they are like really dry then snip just before the leaf.... then the plant will suck all the juice outta that little twig ;)
  4. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    yeah they are lookin really good :D I still have yet to find any fox farms but whatever... I guess what I'm doing is working lol....
  5. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    true that... but if I can switch my 400 for the 100 that would be less heat I'm running into heat issues too so.... LOL if I had the space for another cabinet I would have just made this one bigger :D
  6. Tanis83

    Stealth Wardrobe Grow

    :D This thing just drove to the lake..... and then through it.... I had to tie my babies down cause they were growing to big... I also had to change my exhaust fan out for a top mounted one.... man what a day what a day.... acouple top buds that are coming along for your pleasure :D
  7. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    yeah you can definately see a huge difference.... I did a floro grow for my first grow I have buddies that work at electrical supply stores so I get everything uber cheap.... so it was a no brainer to a HPS I actually went from a 100 watt MH to a 400 watt HPS lol I still got a 100 watt hps...
  8. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    I'm doing mine with HPS so it's a bit better then CFL but here is mine... one day older in flower started mine on the 30th of dec
  9. Tanis83

    First Real grow setup. Need advice. *Pics*

    nice :D good job... I totally wish I had your space right now!!!! :S I wouldn't have to tie my babies down....
  10. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    some time in march :D I'm patient heres some bud shots :D Some of the pix are a bit blurry but you get the just of it... that's all of one plant ;) she's gonna treat me right. Day 13 of flower 12/12
  11. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    When did you put yours to flower?
  12. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here is my cabinet again... I had to get a new fan and tie down my ladies... they are getting way too dam big!
  13. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    Update!!! update!!! ok so I got myself a couple more inches in my cabinet.... I ended up going out and buying a new bathroom fan.... and the thing was HUGE!!! pushes 80 cfm... and only has a 0.8 Sone *sound* rating as you can see in my pix I have tied down the plant as well... but it...
  14. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    nice... I've got a Tea I use for a foiliage spray :D my mom makes it. Shit's Da Bomb!
  15. Tanis83

    Humidity problem

    ummm don't you see them little hairs there.. you got a lady ;) happy growin!!! Holy stretchin what kinda lights you got going there....???? I'm growin thia stick too get some more light on them ladies or you won't have very good bud!!!!!
  16. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    Hey you know you should be watering with straight water every second watering instead of feeding them nutes every time.... if you nute them every time the salts will build up in your soil and you will have nute lock..... *just from what I've read on here... I've never ever nuted twice in a...
  17. Tanis83 - DANGER

  18. Tanis83

    light movers?

    go into the grow faq's and read up on lighting... they have how many sq ft a light will do based on the wattage
  19. Tanis83

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    100% correct!!! you can just throw your go in the back yard and feed him every morning... walks, playing, all that shit take a lot of that engergy away so they don't have to look for outlets to use up that stored up energy! I know lots of people that have pets that really shouldn't
  20. Tanis83

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    some one looks happy in their Touque :D