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  1. Tanis83

    400w hps

    I've got a 400 watt hps 8" away from my plants in a small cabinet..... 30"x30"x4' as long as your under 30C your fine....... all I got is a fan blowing across the canopy of my plants which cools it down... I also have an 80cfm bathroom fan pulling heat right from the cabinet itself.....
  2. Tanis83

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    aaawww that sucks man! yeah when they start lagging it really sucks.... I just found some seeds on some of my buds.... I just wanna cry :wall: alwell..... check out my journal... my plants are at 4 1\2 weeks of flowering
  3. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    the thing is I've went through my plants and can't find a sign of hermie.... maybe it's just a seed it makes.... *hopes* alwell... I got some good genetics going right now so if they do have seeds it'll be a dope assed strain
  4. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    So yeah what a horrible morning..... something happened in my cabinet that I'm pretty pissed off at.... one of my plants has either hermied or there is male pollen somewhere cause one of my plants has seeds on the sides of the buds now..... ARGH!!! I just wanna cry....
  5. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    they look good.... yeah check to see if your underwatering..... my plants have started to really suck back the moisture..... I have to water every 2-3 days now.... :'( I don't have enough water resiviours to hold the water for 24 hours :( alwell.... guess I gotta drink more milk for milk jugs
  6. Tanis83

    11 Plant Ebb & Flow

    go to the grow faq from what I've read you want your plants between 20 and 30C..... 26-28 is optimum...... don't go to 30C though.... 30C and above and your plants will stop growwing at all....
  7. Tanis83

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    nice plants :D How long they been flowering *yeah I know it probably says in there some where but it's early*????
  8. Tanis83

    MG from seed??

    I've been able to find sterile soil at all the walmarts and rona's and homedepots... and no sterile soil you don't have to add anything *other then your nutes when it's time!!!!*.... my sterile soil has 40% sand 40% Hummus and 20% vermiculite *wrong I know :P* the stuff costs me $3 and I...
  9. Tanis83

    MG from seed??

    I'd recommend some sterile soil... you should be able to find it at wally world in the same section you found the MG....... I've never used MG and won't use it as I've heard it's easy to cause nute burn....... as to watering... you cannot just get away with misting your plants... you must...
  10. Tanis83

    Im new and I need help.

    Step 1 go to the Grow FAQ on this site there you will find all the info you will need to know... size of lights to sq ft nutes and other things.....
  11. Tanis83

    Veg time and yield

    I don't know :P I am going to be marketing it for them....... when I need more people to use it and send in results I'll let you know ;)
  12. Tanis83

    Veg time and yield

    I know a master gardener ;) I've got a special tea that they make up for me...... adds all types of micro organisms and nutes :D..... I've seen a difference to a plant in 30 min after watering... this stuff is crazy That and you can't over do it with this :D ;)
  13. Tanis83

    Veg time and yield

    I haven't done much in the way of nutes in these ones... I ran outta my tea :'( but tonight I will be gettting some more :D then you will see a turn around on these ones *the yellowing should pretty much stop and I should be able to bring some of them back to green (crosses fingers)* I've only...
  14. Tanis83

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    sup learnin :D I can't wait to see those pix..... I just updated my journal today... I think I did it last, when you were online... about two weeks ago or so
  15. Tanis83

    Veg time and yield

    how close do you have your lights??? if you can keep a good eye on them and keep your lights just outside of burning the nodes will be closer on the plant giving the plant a higher yield.... what do you use for nutes on them as well? vegged these ones for 5 weeks then switched to flower...
  16. Tanis83

    Browning from middle of leaf? Please help!

    11- 13??? that is an odd lighting setting.... 12/12 is what everyone else does it on....
  17. Tanis83

    Thank you RIU!!!!

    out of 54 views there are only 7 reply's.... take a min and Thank all the people that have helped you out....
  18. Tanis83

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    yeah expensive as hell... I do a small cabinet grow so it works good :D seen a 5c drop and my plants perked up so it was all good... mind you not worth the money
  19. Tanis83

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    "And dry ice won't have much, if any effect on the plants." Dry ice is CO2 in a solid form...... ;) it does have effects.... but it does evaporate off really fast... so it's not worth it in the end *I was doing it last summer when my temps were really high 33C.... 33 degree Celsius = 91.4...
  20. Tanis83

    Browning from middle of leaf? Please help!

    More info..... lights??? soil used??? what's the light cycle????