12/12 from seed? how long?


Well-Known Member
how much shorter of a time would it take to harvest if using 12/12 from seed? is it worth it if you grow a bunch of lil ones?


Well-Known Member
yeah man let them veg for a few weeks... like 3 or 4 and you will end up with a small plant.... if you go from seed you'll mostlikely stress the hell outta it and it'll probably hermie.... but... if your lucky... you will end up with 1 bud... on a twig ;)


Well-Known Member
lol read that link i posted the guy got shit loads of bud doing 12-12 from day one..

one of his plants was big as hell alot bigger than mine n i had mine in veg for a month b4 him


Well-Known Member
yeah I checked the post... it also has to do with strain of plant... as well as enviromental conditions.....

I've seen a couple other people that had some 12/12 from seed and it was a twig... with a bud at the top.... nice bud don't get me wrong... but yeah the guy in your post did an awesome job....


Well-Known Member
tour not going to grow some big bud's but some.as if anyone know if you good 12/12 from seed it will go thru veg for a week or two thats the plant life system. a plant will go seed time , ger time , veg time then flo time untill she die,you'll get to down to 6-8 week flowering time, from the nor 8-10 weeks. hope this help


Well-Known Member
lol dels a good grower man..
you should see his new thc bubblebomb that hes growin now
12-12 from seed again it looks sweet as;-)
will post a link for it 1 sec


Well-Known Member
Here is my https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/151253-12-12-seed-harvest-1-a.html I plan on 8 weeks from seed to harvest. Today is day 18. It's not any big grow yet but in 2 or 3 more week then chek back and see if it is worth it. I hope to get about an oz off each plant if I'm lucky.

Just try an old bag seed or three and see what happens the plant only grow to around 24" and can live in 6" pots. Sometimes if I don't have room they stay in the 16oz cups.