Harvest guess


Well-Known Member
i was actually wondering what the value in usd would be per gram of that kc mango. not to sell just curious. no one else round here would have it so id be greedy n not sell it lol


Well-Known Member
I smoke too much to sell it lol.... also I smoke it for muscle pain... I've had a bunch of surgeries...


Well-Known Member
Price per gram... Not sure, but from value where I am, turned to USD, it works out at around $10 per gram. So bout $150 an ounce for average sh!t, to $200 an ounce USD for good shit.
But I'm not sure if that's quite how it works, doubt prices work on a world wide scale lol


Well-Known Member
this is a q i posted and no one really answered, since this ones gettin some attention i figure one of u might know also

Do auto flowering plants finish faster then regular plants? and do all auto flowering plants go into 20/4 lighting? thinking bout trying feminized auto flowering dwarfs to get the shortest harvest time. i hear from seed to bud its only 2 months. usually 5-6 weeks tops? Fill me in


Well-Known Member
Don't know a lot on the auto-flowering buzz.

But it's unlikely a feminized seed will hermie, in spite of common belief, fem. seeds are not created using genetic hermies. They are created by chemically hormone treating a female plant to produce male flowers which are used to pollinate the other female plant so the seeds share the genetics of 2 female plants making the seeds 99% likely to be female and because they are chemically hormone treated the offspring does not contain any genetic traits of tendencies to become hermaphrodites.

Hope this helps, cheers.