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  1. Eharmony420

    Cloning Buckets vs Cubes

    cubes that i meant are rock wool cubes, a common cloning and seed starting medium. To start seeds and clones you use 1.5 inch cubes. Grodan is a popular maker of rockwool for hydro gardening and they have a large helpful website you can check out. DWC is deepwater culture. It is a bin of water...
  2. Eharmony420

    HELP With Inline Duct Fan Temps?

    sounds like it. go to plantlights. com and get a valuline fan there. they are cheap and work well. best deal. i see no probs. be careful venting that light right outside. it will melt the snow. make sure it sint too cold if it is snow for the bulb too lol. idk that though, i am sure it is fine...
  3. Eharmony420

    150 watt HPS questions

    lol, i got one of those econo lights and i made it remote but i worried what to do with the third wire. i have it wired to the uninsulated wire to an insulated wire of appropriate gauge and then into the bottom prong on a 3 prong plug. This is prob the wrong post to put here thought it might be...
  4. Eharmony420

    Check this out! WAter quality reports search your city with ease!

    someone want to use tapwater. I thought i would bump this. Tapwater looks better than soaking my weed in heroin for a chemical burst! Hey thanks for all the rep, i got my second star. That's what it is all about in the underground marijana comunity, fame and notiriety!!! Rofl.
  5. Eharmony420

    Ebb n Grow: Quick question

    i water every couple of days. an inch and a half up the pot, maybe 2. I flood 11 gallons to water 2 inchs up in a 3x3 tray. I did the calculations with a nice formula I found. They stay wet forever so i fig let them dry now. Plus as they dry they draw in air. The drier I let them go the faster...
  6. Eharmony420

    Cloning Buckets vs Cubes

    if you can master cubes I say you are better off. Unless you are aero growing then it might not matter so much. You see the rw cubes keep the roots protected. Then when i transprot them into the bigger system i can avoid root damage and transplant shock, which i have had before and hermied a...
  7. Eharmony420


    oh shit, me too. lol. i am using 35 h202 and i wondered if i should be using hygrozyme, or guard. I read the same post but it was so long ago i figured he meant botanicares or something. They are organic. Wait, lol, i am being jogged as I type, i rem something about nutrient numbers and it was...
  8. Eharmony420

    Grow Tents & Odor

    ypu could screw on flanges then cut holes in the middle. that miight give some pretty stable vents.
  9. Eharmony420

    Grow Tents & Odor

    I do that too, with a 400 in a tent. I do it for simplicity. I have a 6 inch inline. i have it outside though. i pull thru the light thru the fan and push thru the charcoal filter. As an experiment i managed to just put the light on a circuit and i only lost a few degrees. Now that can ,ake all...
  10. Eharmony420

    Ebb n Grow: Quick question

    My big deal is rooting in at least in rw. rooting cuttings. i prob just being noob with this hang uos or rather some sorta subconscious defense mechanism against spendign money as i have over 100 dollars in rockwool i got foe 20 bucks but i dont want the rooots to get damaged in dwc or sero...
  11. Eharmony420

    Ebb n Grow: Quick question

    thanks for asking, i am proud to show off my girls. no prob. so far i am loving the mobility of the table. lol, i also have a waterfarm on the way to experiment with. i am thinking of getting biiger pots when i decide which 6 i want to flower. I dont want to hijack youre thread, i saw the...
  12. Eharmony420

    too many nodes

    I hate you for having that good of looking plants at 10 days. I am in rockwool cubes and had slow slow slow slow slow gorwth and i backed off the water a few days and wow overnight they shot up. wasted a month of slow growth. advice for you. go easy on nutes, but in rw dont go just plain...
  13. Eharmony420

    Dang seeds!

    i just germed 9 nl seeds. they were all slow. so i soaked first in water overnight then put in wet towel covered with plates on a heat mat. that worked. i now know to use a agri heat mat and rw plugs and a cube tray with insert with humidome. you can get for 30-60 dollars all this. any way i...
  14. Eharmony420

    LCD vs. HPS

    they dont produice more light than an hps. go with that.
  15. Eharmony420

    LCD vs. HPS

    victor vicious uses a procyon the best there is in led for clones. check his journal out, about halfway through he gets one. I plan to use a ufo evntually for op 2 2 mother plants and clones in my small med grow. At 90 watts i fig it bettern than a cfl setup at 110 or hid at 250 i plan to use...
  16. Eharmony420

    Ebb n Grow: Quick question

    I am envious of you in hydroton. I went after much thought with rw. 4 in blcks on the awesome botanicare 3x3! in 5.25 by 7 turbogarden pots filled with mini cubes. I only get to water every other day or so and i have the feeling growth has been slowed by overwatering as i am learning rw. It...
  17. Eharmony420

    Hyrdoponic Leaves Wilting! HELP!!

    If you just added the airstone then that is the prob. Give it some time. In that system as soon as the roots touch water they need alot of bubbles. Keep it aorund 5.8 becasue higher or lower it cant absorb nutrients. Higher it would have missed i think according to the chart iron. whatever...
  18. Eharmony420

    Paid Subscription

    I gotta send a money order or cashiers check i think i read. FDD will know. right? I wanna join too.
  19. Eharmony420

    New digital ballast making too much noise

    I have read this happening and they will send you a new one prob with out you having to send one back in. This is not the first time. Work it so you keep that one. gL man!
  20. Eharmony420

    The "Whats the first strain you grew (or growing)?" thread

    bag seed, nothern lights from marijauna n.l. with the girl and some mazer afghan and now a fem ghs cheese coming. Forst real grow still in progress, lol.