Ebb n Grow: Quick question


Active Member
I have an almost operational grow room (couple weeks away) and will be using an Ebb n Grow 12 bucket system and 600W HPS. I plan to grow a strain that is taller (Jack Flash - ~5-6 feet tall) and one that is shorter (Blue Moonshine - ~2.5 -3 feet tall). My question is (and it may a dumb one - I haven't used the E&G yet): Will the system still feed the Blue Moonshine properly if those pots are raised up (2-2.5 feet approximately) in order to prevent the Jack Flash from getting all the light?? Or would I be better off growing them at different times?

Thanks in advance guys......Not sure how many people use the Ebb n Grow and can help me out......

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Post a link to the product and I will take alook at it.

The only concern I would have is if the solution is fed to each bucket by individual tubes then by raising 6 of the buckets-will you have to extend the feeder line vertically??

If so this will add what we call "head" that the pump will have to push.

You may find you have to buy a more powerful pump if that is the case.

i.e.-Each location is raised 2 feet adding 12 addl feet of head. Add that to the head feet from the manufacturer to get a total feet of head that your pump must be sized for....if the one it comes with is too small...then buy a bigger one.

Hope that helps.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
As an alternative to raising buckets you may just put the jack on the far left and right of the system and the shorter ones in the six-pack in the middle.

I am assuming a 3x4 row set-up on the 12 unit ebb n sumthin.

BTW you should just do a tray and res for flood/drain. Nice botanicare set-up will be more bang for the buck.


Well-Known Member
I assume you're using a system that has a "control bucket". IT controls the level that water will reach when flooding. If your short plant pots are higher than the control bucket, they will NOT get watered at all.

The best way to deal with your problem is to use 2 different lights set at two different levels.

Good Luck!



Active Member
I haven't really studied the product yet (as the building process is not finished yet) but I realized it's actually spelled "ebb n gro." Thanks for the advice both of you.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
If you haven't gotten it yet take a look around first. Ebb and Flow or Flood/Drain as it is referred to is easy to do with out a pre-fab set-up such as the "Ebb and Gro".

More flexibility+less cost=happy moonstar


Well-Known Member
If you haven't gotten it yet take a look around first. Ebb and Flow or Flood/Drain as it is referred to is easy to do with out a pre-fab set-up such as the "Ebb and Gro".

More flexibility+less cost=happy moonstar
I use Ebb & Flood and I built mine from scratch. The lites and water pumps I bought off ebay, the rest came from a local K Mart and Home Depot. Everything, including 400W HPS lite cost me about 200 bucks

Plus you'll learn how it works!



Well-Known Member
I also use an EBB & Flood i found it to be effective and it waters them all evenly and equally. If you raise up the pots all it will do is deprive 1/2 of the plants water and nutes. Unless you are using a drip system. You can always go with a drip system to each plant but then your going to need something that can split into multiple hoses(1 per plant) i use a 3x3 tray with a 1000 hps and mh lights. right now im in the bud stage which i have started about 6 or 7 days ago.


Well-Known Member
If you want your plants to be equal you can top them, but it will make the topped ones bush out rather then grow up. So if your going to top them make sure you want it to always be that particular height because it wont get much taller
Good luck


Active Member
I also use an EBB & Flood i found it to be effective and it waters them all evenly and equally. If you raise up the pots all it will do is deprive 1/2 of the plants water and nutes. Unless you are using a drip system. You can always go with a drip system to each plant but then your going to need something that can split into multiple hoses(1 per plant) i use a 3x3 tray with a 1000 hps and mh lights. right now im in the bud stage which i have started about 6 or 7 days ago.
how many plants are you fitting in your 3' by 3' tray? i want to run the same size tray.


Well-Known Member
umm i have 16 per tray and its a beaut ill get a picture for ya. also i have clones and they just started to root =D im happy. Btw its white widow in 1 tray, bubba cough shiva skunk, and purple g13 in the other. i have 1 more tray but its not in use yet because i didnt have enough plants to fill it.


Well-Known Member
umm i have 3, 3x3's i stick about 16 per tray you can do more but i decided to go with the big thick pots for more room for roots. they have really thick cola's and so far are really good i got some pictures for ya, Mind you they are in flower cycle now so i am using a different bulb then what i normally do for veg cycle



Well-Known Member
the tray closest to you, as you can see, are the 1's with the mix. (bubba cough, shiva skunk, purple g13)



Well-Known Member
I am envious of you in hydroton. I went after much thought with rw. 4 in blcks on the awesome botanicare 3x3! in 5.25 by 7 turbogarden pots filled with mini cubes. I only get to water every other day or so and i have the feeling growth has been slowed by overwatering as i am learning rw. It is not a fast sysytem like jydroton where one can feed often and correct errors wuickly. I have 12 plants under a 400 mh but man are they bushy tight in nodes. NL mostly, and I amgetting the hang of rw, i got like 100 dollars in 4 in blocks for 20 bucks. Use craigs list, man i got the 3x3 tray for 40 bucks delivered, compared to 100 plus shipping!
The trays are awesome compared to the 10 dollar hd mortar tray and 18 gallon rubbermaid I had as my previous table. I can work and lst on the botanicare as it is so sturdy, a top notch product.


Well-Known Member
Sounds Like your getting the Hang of Rock Wool! Happy for ya. I'm curious to know what the plants look like do you have any pics are could you take some and post it.....?(What strain, What week they are in, Taken from seed or mother.....etc.


Well-Known Member
thanks for asking, i am proud to show off my girls. no prob. so far i am loving the mobility of the table. lol, i also have a waterfarm on the way to experiment with. i am thinking of getting biiger pots when i decide which 6 i want to flower. I dont want to hijack youre thread, i saw the botanicare pics and i had to say hi. lol, i am a big fan of teh 3x3 table. It is incredibly well made. I have it on a card table for a stand, in 4x4x6.5 tent. 400 watt hps 6 inch inline charoal filter and passive intake. Also an addtional charcoal unit with an attached fan for help.
I got Northern lights, mazar afghan and bagseed. Northern ,ights is a stunky girl. Very bushy as opposed to the lankier afgahn.
these are from seed. 2-3 weeks in. i have had slow growth due to over watering. rw is trikcy. worth the learning i think. i have read every thing on and off the net on it. but exerience is the best teacher. sucks when doing it with plants lol.
I plant to clone and make a mother, the veg them and so and so on. i looked at the waterfars and the ebb and grow and could not decide. i finally went with a table for its ease and simplicity. It seemed to me to be the best choice all around. I will go bigger pots. rockwool i can at least water sparingly, so i dont have to worry about pump failure. also the roots are well portected.:fire: Also i lst'd the hell outa them already band plan to keep doing so instead of a scrog for now. most are bent at least a 90 degree angle. some all the way over, also their was some heavy ph problems. i have them getting better now. ph pens and gh flora micro harwater are helping



Well-Known Member
My advice is if your ganna stick with 1 method then do it all the way threw. Hydroton isn't expensive at all and i haven't ever seen or had any pump problems, and even if i did i have another spare just in case. Your plants dont look that bad make sure you check the ph every time it gets watered or everytime you change the water you dont want to hard of water because they will had a hard time excepting it. Do you use a foiler spray by any chance? if so what do you use in your foiler spray?


Well-Known Member
My advice is if your ganna stick with 1 method then do it all the way threw. Hydroton isn't expensive at all and i haven't ever seen or had any pump problems, and even if i did i have another spare just in case. Your plants dont look that bad make sure you check the ph every time it gets watered or everytime you change the water you dont want to hard of water because they will had a hard time excepting it. Do you use a foiler spray by any chance? if so what do you use in your foiler spray?

In addition to that I would like to add that hydroton is completely reusable also! Ive heard of people using them for 5 years and their still using the same batch!!!! You just have to give it a good through cleaning and some treatment but its good as new!