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  1. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    nver minds the nitrogen. it looks like iron def. crap now what. i in rw. so i guess ph is the prob. I ph it to the mid 5s i thought. i use strips tho. Maybe a hand water with low ph from above?
  2. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    edit ow iron def help! I hav 16 to 20 day old plants. Thy hav dark green veins and lighter leaves. This is obvious on the plant. Pic coming, not just over woory here. Is it nit def? I read about it bored and cant find the helpful chart but i rem it as nit I thought. I gave them some stronger...
  3. Eharmony420

    PH tester pens, how long do they last?

    yeah that is nice one.
  4. Eharmony420

    PH tester pens, how long do they last?

    you should order some calibration liquid anyway. Calibrate your pen frequently. The stuff they send might not be enough. I hear order the 5 and the 7.1 stuff and cali with both. Make sure it reads to a 10th also. Like 5.8 or 4.9, not just 6 or 5. I hope that helps.
  5. Eharmony420

    hide trap door..

    elevator, the pantry floor. They sell them for invalids. :)
  6. Eharmony420

    Grow room setup prices, post how much it cost you!

    All i am saying is wait a minute and you will find it on craigslist!
  7. Eharmony420

    how many gallons for a 4x4 flood table?

    Thinking about purchasing a 4x4 flood tabel to upgrade from my hd mortar tray. I have wanted one for a while!!!. ANyway. . . How many gallons do i need to put on the table. I only want to flood a few inches up. I use rockwool. I wondering if the whole table will need like 10 gallons...
  8. Eharmony420

    Second grow - Northan lights from seed

    i will start one soon I am not cloning yet, they need a couple of weeks. Bout 2 weeks in. You might be able to see I had a few complications, these are the first ever in rw i have done and my first real grow. Dont let my post #s fool you, lol. NL and Mazar afghan and 1 bag seed.:twisted:
  9. Eharmony420

    hide trap door..

    shit is this a thread just to brag about set ups? lol, cool
  10. Eharmony420

    Need some wise advice on closet design.

    get a tent. get a 600. get a cool tube. get an inline fan. get a charcoal filter. get growing! Lol, your money is fun to spend. hehe. Get a green machine aero nft system, yeah. Jack herrer!
  11. Eharmony420

    This time.... this time there WILL be buds...

    good read +reps, thats some nice skill
  12. Eharmony420

    6,if you could only grow 6 how would you do it?

    I am wondering the best way to do 6 plants. I guess 6 big 5 gallon dwc buckets would be the best yeilding? Am i wrong, I kinda hope so. How boring! I love ebb and flo and aero nft sytstem. I would love to get a max yeild with one of those. But I am thinking that 6 trees in big dwc would...
  13. Eharmony420

    Whats your bug solution and decent h202?

    I'm going over the hydro shops bug solutions and looking what to buy. I worried about fungus nats and these little black fleas i guess that i have seen. I am in rw hydro. I hear neem, just curious. Also i on ebay looking for h202 and i can only find 17 percent for less than 80 dollars...
  14. Eharmony420

    Waterfarm grow***alaskan ice***

    how you gonna transplant that into your system?
  15. Eharmony420

    I'm here to Help, or at least Try.

    hi hubert- i just read quebec big dogs "progress report" and he cut off all the "sucker" leaves he said. I curious. Did he mean the largest fan leaves? all the fan leaves? I s this a good idea , he is succesful at growing to i assume it is. Whats the skinny on all this. ty. I wanna lollipo...
  16. Eharmony420

    Second grow - Northan lights from seed

    hey i got 9 nl girls 2 weeks in now also. Looking good in 4 inch rw cubes in an ebb and flow. Also i got 2 mazar afghans going and 1 bagseed. It is noce to see the diference in the genes. NL looks to be the bushiest. Cant wait. Good luck to you.
  17. Eharmony420

    single cola plants?

    man i have read your whole post. I gonna try and lollipop my current crop. It 2 weeks in veg from seed. I got 11 so ill see how it turn out but with my space i gonna go for max and it looks like lollipop the wat to go. I hope i got this rite, i planning on trimming all the side branches. I...
  18. Eharmony420

    Trying not to piss my pants...

    i saw my apt owners truck in the lot and ne never comes so I shit a brick and dismanteled my 4x4 x7 tent put the charoal filters away took down the fans and lights moved the tray and through all the clothes i had on the pile of crap. I put the plants, thank god only a few weeks old, under...
  19. Eharmony420

    Cheap Flood / Drain System.....DIY

    I am using a Hd cement mortar tray and an 18 gallon roughneck rubbermaid. Looks just like yours. Tray is about 5 dollars and sturdier than hell and rubbermaid is 10 at hd. Nice post reps to you. All fittings are cheap and nice on ebay for 10 bucks or less.