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  1. Eharmony420

    2nd AG grow 1 Violator Kush, 1 White Widow, 1 Durban Poison, 1 Northern Lights

    :joint: That there, thats some fucked up shit, sorry and reps for your moving on.:joint:
  2. Eharmony420

    northern lights,Please Reply

    I got northern lights from marijauna.n.l the site witht he hot chick on the upper border of the page. They give 5 free mazer afghans with every order. Any way, it is almost three weeks more like 2 and they smell wonderful, lol. They realy kinds get to it heavy odor wise after i handle them...
  3. Eharmony420

    Best Scrounge or Part Substitution

    I cloned 5 girls in a coffee can with an airstone and holes cut un the lid. My first cloning all 5 rooted
  4. Eharmony420

    Tricks of the trade; increasing THC content.

    They all work. Just dont forget the rest of growing. Some people flower under metal halide for the more resin its uv gives. It is slower and less "cool". Lack of better word. Low humidty during flower is also a must. People,, good people, hate the word tricks. The internet is full of it. But...
  5. Eharmony420

    Cheap Flood / Drain System.....DIY

    i just got a new looking botanicare 3x3 for 40 bucks on craigs list. Lol, the add said 40 inches or so but i meaured it and the inside is 36. Anyway, what a fricking good deal. Botanicare is the best, this table rocks. Fits inside my 4x4x6.5 tent like a charm. The deal was hilarious. This...
  6. Eharmony420

    Critical Mass Tree Grow x 2

    reps heath. thats some ounces. i shit thinking that must be grams, over 30 lol.make a noob forget ebb and flow, gotta think.
  7. Eharmony420

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    if you buy more cfls make sure they are lower temp kelvin in color, like 3000k or something in that ball park it will say on the package.
  8. Eharmony420

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    yeah hps is for flower, buy daylight is it the red looking light cause thats a yes. Blue will flower just take a little longer some say and not as productive. SOme say more resin as they say the hps lacks some of the resins producing ulraviolet blue lights have like metal halide and cfl. It is...
  9. Eharmony420

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    nice. . . . .
  10. Eharmony420

    ppm/ph/temp help with a few ? thanks to all

    tripple warranty on soemthing that cool, just send it back lol. I broke my 20 dollar meter just trying to calibrate it as a totla nub as a semi nub i going your route next without doubt. Earl has a ton of things to sya about meters. This guy is a meter junky. He is victor vicous's freind...
  11. Eharmony420

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    Also i had tons of problems with my stealth hydro nutes disloving. The ppm went up though and i did not notice anything, but they never fullly disloved so stir that shit too man gl. root porn,lol.
  12. Eharmony420

    HYDRO root problem (pics)

    hey man you dont want the 3 percent dtuff at your grocery. You want food grade horticultural hydrogen peroxide. 35% or 50 %. You can order online from a hydro store or ebay. Ebay was exeonsive so i got mine cheaper at better grow hydro. BGH. They have nive cutomer service. Cheap too...
  13. Eharmony420

    My highest reccomendation for this inexpensive unit,ZERO SMELL & cheap.

    get the plug in modelfo your cars cigarette lighter. It is 30 dollars or so. Says it works. Good for your car maybe good for your small cfl cab. Idk lol, cool.
  14. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    heres is some pics, camera cant get lose enough.
  15. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    yeah i in a 4x4 ebb table. Just got the table last night. before that they were crammed on a mortar tray i had plumbed. I haveing fun figuring out the water. truth is i like to wait a few days. dont gotta worry about timers, whcih i got, but this is laid back.
  16. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    oh yeah i still have not got the nack of rw feeding down, the cubes are wet and heavy and were fed 12 hours ago for a few minutes. How do you do yours. I was waiting every cpuple fo days. Peeps say all dif. From 1 week to 4 hours.
  17. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    iron def sounds like rw alright. overwatering improper drainage high ph. i dont want to overreact but my veins are dark green while the leaves are yellow. Its on all the leaves but i am thinking older. growth is not part stunted. i got leaf curl. i got a res ph of 5.8. fed the plants a...
  18. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    hey + rep thanks, i checked and now maybe i think mn def. I got some leafe curl i thoguth was water. Well i aint got rusty water for iron def, lol. Now i gotta see, do i have fe or mn def.
  19. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    Do you think chlorine in the water could do this. I went to use bootled water from the water machin but ran out so topped off with shower water. I got a bigger table then i thought when i bought this. OW!!!.
  20. Eharmony420

    green veins lighter leaves, nitrogn?

    any advice to a guy who has never foliar fed with rusty water or a fertilizer with nitrogen? lol. At least it is simple. All i got on hand is flora 3 stage nutes and superthrive. i got horti h303 aririving today. Lol, super h202. I in 4 inch rw cunes in bigger pots with rw on the sides and...