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  1. Eharmony420

    Hydro rons 11 plant garden?

    I built on and the details were a bitch. I mean like leaks. I got them all solved and ran the device good. Very easy. Then i read The device has problems. The roots will gorw into the tubes and water pumps will have a hard time pushing the water up. I read that somewhere. Screens will help...
  2. Eharmony420

    Legal light size? Can i go up as big as I want?

    I am a medical pateint with the legal number of plants. Can i just go all out and use all the power i want? Is this wise? I would like to upgrade my light form a 400 to a 1000. It would mean a lot more as also i will need a seperate mother cab and light soon too. 5 plants 1 mother, keep it...
  3. Eharmony420

    I need lots of advice/opinions on this set up

    I wanted that table bad too. But then i looked in craigs list and got a 3x3 botanicare for 40 bucks. Botanicare rocks! I see shit like that in there every day. Before i got that i used a hd mortar mixing tray and an 18 gallon res. I bought ebb fixtures off eaby. Right now i got a 400 but...
  4. Eharmony420

    Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)???

    I used bghydro. type in "hydrogen peroxide" or look at the last page on plant nutrients. They have the food grade h202 you need. It is for hydro and is iasy to use. Cheap. Dont get it on your hands and you can kill your plants with h202. I am sure all shops got it. Ebay is expensive.
  5. Eharmony420

    All this space not to go to waste

    horticultural heat mat to keep your clone root zone at 30C. Read the albfuct essay on clones. ************good as hell, gl good read reps
  6. Eharmony420

    What kind of water?

    I have to add cal mag. Great! Lol, i looking into my firt ro machine. Another thing to add. My tapwater is insanely bad and i got a frealing hernia lugging that 5 gallon bottle around
  7. Eharmony420

    Begining of a journal-1000w Flower tent, 400w Veg tent

    good to hear from you then lol. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Eharmony420

    OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)

    good luck, off the grid a dream come true, as i debate some real light here in my end, go cali!
  9. Eharmony420

    Little electrical advice? please.

    ty all answered.
  10. Eharmony420

    Is reverse osmosis woth it? Can u share your exeperience?

    That sounds amazing but sadly i lack prob the tool and the expertise senor. However i think i have decided to get one. Ebay has them at 130 for an ok looking model. ty for replying.
  11. Eharmony420

    UVB All The Way...?

    Lol, online oxy 30$ for a 1000, just say please and turn in your DEA recomendation. As for the mh conversion, you ae right about the glass. It blocks a lot, i think only quartz glass will let that uvx through. I once looked online and had a tough time finding it. I am not sure, i just read...
  12. Eharmony420

    Little electrical advice? please.

    hey, thanks a lot that was perfect +reps. It was 1000 with 400 or ufo for a mom and clones.
  13. Eharmony420

    $5000 for my flowering room.

    I read the first 2 pages and laughed my ass off. Here we still got fighting. The internet is hilarious. Smoke to that. Rofl. I dont know what you are up to now, but i gotta say vertical looks pretty damn nice. Stadium with all the fixings.
  14. Eharmony420

    Little electrical advice? please.

    Just wondering if i could put a 100o watter on my apt elec system wthout mods. I gotta count the crap all up but what i need to know is how many wat and amps is safe to run on a 15 amp breaker. I could figure out ways toget around. For instance my airconditioner circuit i dont even use and is...
  15. Eharmony420

    6,if you could only grow 6 how would you do it?

    I am using zip ties and supermarket twisties. Zip ties work better, but be very careful!
  16. Eharmony420

    6,if you could only grow 6 how would you do it?

    Here are some pics of my lst. I am keeping this little thread going in the hope i make uo for being an unattendant thread starter. I am gonna add alot of those smileys to make it fun. :hump:Gotta love this one.:weed:As alwaysm Northern lights is a stinker, but yummm,:shock:this is me...
  17. Eharmony420

    Is reverse osmosis woth it? Can u share your exeperience?

    For now i have been using tapwater (bad) and letting it sit for a few days for my grow. I have a 3x3 botanicare table in rw that i flood 1 time every 24 hours. I can afford to let the water sit for a few days in spare res. The chlorine is high! I can smell it for days. The ppm is off the...
  18. Eharmony420

    UVB All The Way...?

    Jusr run a metal halide light at the same time. Right? Or am i completely wrong. Just took a oxycodone and my bowl so i gotta respond. But that would give you the resin you want. When i first joined there was another med guy that only flowered with metal halide as he wanted quality not...
  19. Eharmony420

    6,if you could only grow 6 how would you do it?

    Jut bumping to show riu that i a responsible member. Note on my prgress- Lst of 12 immature plants is going great. Realy easier than i thought. My stems are curiosly more pliable than i would have imagined. Rofl, I have them bent over themselves! Some only made it to 90 degrees, but that is...
  20. Eharmony420


    He formed a sentence, lol, he gets my vote. I was skeptical. Lol, my street is a norml, bunches of stoners. :weed: