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  1. Eharmony420

    Hydroponic Greenhouse

    also i wont be the only one to warn you about them getting their house taken away and blah blah blah and realy lkid you outa delete that post with the pics of you and your freinds. This is an adult site and you gonna be banned anyway. rofl. i am the voice of reason. It feels good to be OLD.
  2. Eharmony420

    Hydroponic Greenhouse

    Do yourself a favor and stop posting at least before you get yourself arrested. As to the parents they will smell that and thinking about it fairly they will find out.
  3. Eharmony420

    Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics)

    The water farms use air i beleive to push nutrients from the bottom res through the piping and out the drip ring. Mine is coming soon in mail. I bought it off caddy luck on ebay lol. Mods included.
  4. Eharmony420

    seeds in a cup of water, supposed float or sink?

    i do it that way too. basically, i was stumped on a few hard to crack girls until i used the glass of water. I just have been sitting here dazed over a cup of coffee at what the know side is. Thought i would say it in my launguage, no probs, reps all around.
  5. Eharmony420

    seeds in a cup of water, supposed float or sink?

    sonds good but i did not understand "knot side up" to clarify place the "taproot" pointing down, thats the piece sticking out. Use sterilized tweezers and stay clean. Is is easy as cake.
  6. Eharmony420

    Feels like a FIRECRACKER DAY!

    Man i tried these aevery way i could think and until i harvest i fig i dont got enough to waste trying anymore. lol. i could nto get any feeling after eating bunches but then the next day i woke up and a blood vessel in my eye had burst. rofl, so good luck.
  7. Eharmony420

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Keep that ph at 5.8 man they will recover fine. Too high and you lose iron absorbtion, to low and you lose magnesium absorption. 5.8 is the happy medium. Good luck and I have never seen anyoen get so discouraged so fast or be so hard on their porbabiltiy of suucess. Lol, i refreshing change...
  8. Eharmony420

    resivoir changing question

    I flood 11 gallons on a 3x3 tray to go 2 inches up the sides. Once you have chosen the tray size you will then need to size a res for the tray. The calculation for this is quite simple: Height you wish to flood in the tray (H) x Width of the tray (W) x Length of the tray (L). For this...
  9. Eharmony420

    Clone Killer needs help

    you got roots! Let more of them grwo til they have hairs. good idea would be to through an airstone in that water and a drop of superthrive found at home depot. You will get a lot more success. I cant comment on the chloirne except that i heard that a no no unless u afraid of rot. I read...
  10. Eharmony420

    Yields...400HPS vs 600HPS...Opinions Please

    hey go COOLUBE! I regret getting htg alternative for the same price the eurohood.
  11. Eharmony420

    Yields...400HPS vs 600HPS...Opinions Please

    I have the same debate going on. I am legal so i not so worried about power. have a 400 for now and want to upgrade badly. A lumatel digi 600 is what i might get off ebay but i not sure if it worth it and maybe i should just go to a 1000. I have a 4x4x6.5 space and heat is a big deal. But...
  12. Eharmony420

    Check this out! WAter quality reports search your city with ease!

    I jst ordered gh flora micro hardwater. It is the micro for people with bad water. Albfuct swears by tapwater so until i get my next paycheck when i get ro i will be 24 houring it and using hardwater nuts.
  13. Eharmony420

    Cal mag?

    Do i need to use cal mag is Use tapwater that sat out and flora micro hardwater? What id i dont use flora micro hardwater? My tapwater is realy hard, and i have not got the ro machine yet. I heard to use cal mag like it wasw a must not a plus. But obly if in ro. Then last night i heard it was...
  14. Eharmony420

    Shoulf I even bother with this damn 30dollar ph pen?

    No cal mag, Thought I had the water in the right area. I got some thinking to do. My pen i wacked. Thank you.
  15. Eharmony420

    Shoulf I even bother with this damn 30dollar ph pen?

    I checked with strips and i got acid below the charts. I checked with pen i got 6.8 after adding a tablespoon of ph down to 11 gallons of water. I have been watering it looks like according to the pen with 7 phd nutes? Shit, and they are alive? Doing ok, sorta, they look shitty and outa 12...
  16. Eharmony420

    Shoulf I even bother with this damn 30dollar ph pen?

    Just got this 30 dollar ph pen. I fig it would be ok for now. Better until i find a good one than ph strips for reading gh flora nutes! (their colred) Anyway it is a hanna and i managed to calibrate it after a while with the 7.01 soltion and i dint trust it. It is a sketchy read and according to...
  17. Eharmony420

    Safe Amount of Useable Electricity

    whoa febreeze, lol! no way, yer gonna have to buy some odor machines, charcoal or ozone or both. that;s my 2 cents.
  18. Eharmony420

    Safe Amount of Useable Electricity

    I would load up on extra comp towers or video games or something then, lol. I in apt and thank god i have the fortune to pay my own bills. mayeb you could do it if you tell him beforehand. Good luck. You gonna hve to make sure your circuit breakers can handle all that. Sounds like alot for...
  19. Eharmony420

    Check this out! WAter quality reports search your city with ease!

    :hump::joint: click the scales, leave your name and a comment if you like, thats the way rep works. The right hand corner up above it.:weed:
  20. Eharmony420

    Check this out! WAter quality reports search your city with ease!

    glad i helped, it's a cool thing to come home too. I guess letting my tapwater sit out overnight might not be enough, rofl.