Search results

  1. Eharmony420

    grow room floor-carpet

    did you get rid fo the carpet? tell u that first. lol, yeah they would reflect. How much heat too though, and are they reallyworth it?
  2. Eharmony420

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    man i a pussy, its a male dude.
  3. Eharmony420

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    owwww, i felt for you. Male. I feel sad for you. Never felt that before. Nothing personal. Rofl, go away you guys, i feel like cryng for my own plants when i painstakingly care and they go all male. WAIT. . . I could be wrong but that is what my males ookied like. I thought they were female...
  4. Eharmony420

    legal, medical, how do i handle sexing?

    thanks i gotta ask, because mr sdge is around again. I would rather not at this point in my life hassle with them. I have been there and done that and wanna stay quiet. A few months ago they came and checked my meter teice. I unplugged my stuff got all nervous an tey sent me a letter stating...
  5. Eharmony420

    New digital ballast making too much noise

    seriously mam, you are not the first guy who had this happen. If it was from htg they should send you a new one at no cahrge and let you keep to the old one to avoid shipping charge. I have read enviuosly as some customers ending up getting to keep two like a 100 times. One guy told them his...
  6. Eharmony420

    legal, medical, how do i handle sexing?

    legaly whats the best way to handle sexing. I live in soca. I go 12 immature in veg. How do i sex them. I planned on cloning 2 clones of each then sexing. Will that be ok. How strict are they. Can i have like 6 in flower and 6 in veg and 2 mothers and not get arrested? That to mean seems...
  7. Eharmony420

    any inquiries by sdge in soca with card grows

    Any body dread those meter read days when you see the truck outside? The meter reader? Lol, I am following all the rules but i still feel like I gotta unplug my lights and fans when i see that truck. Kinda wonder what the deal is. If they will ignore me and the spinning meter and my quoet...
  8. Eharmony420

    Water in the clone tray? Hydro stores sugestion>

    well my first clone made it over night, 12 hours without wilting, looking as green as ever! Gonna clone the rest now.
  9. Eharmony420

    Water in the clone tray? Hydro stores sugestion>

    ive got a bag seed clone in there to see if it wilts. My humidty meter must be broke as it reads way to low for the fog I se but the temps are all right.
  10. Eharmony420

    Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics)

    hehe, i have read this like 5 times. Just got a waterfarm. i just like looking at them in action. Rofl. reps, man.
  11. Eharmony420

    Water in the clone tray? Hydro stores sugestion>

    I have read the albfuct essay on clones a hundred times. I have the water all ready. H202, superthrive, ph 5.8. I have a horticultural heat mat, i have a seed tray, a seed insert, a humid dome with holes on bottom and roof for my dry rh climate. I have a 40 or so watt cfl overhead. I have a...
  12. Eharmony420

    giving a cactus flora nova nutes.

    thank you/========
  13. Eharmony420

    oxy contin

    lol, i wish/
  14. Eharmony420

    LimpshoT's free seed Aeroponic grow!! AfghanxMazar & Powerskunk!!

    good luck, subscribed. It was the tri meter that got me. Meter porn!lol. I ordered from the same place as you. I got northern lights andthje afghan mazar. I am a month in. The mazar is a very diferent indica than northern lights. It is a skinny plant, the only way i know how to say it. Good luck.
  15. Eharmony420

    giving a cactus flora nova nutes.

    i got a cactus in a pot outside. the cactus is a half foot tall and 4 inchs wide. it is in a small catcus pot like 6 inchs around and 6 inchs high. Came that way. It was a gift. I keep it dry but gave it some veg nutes. a mild veg mix. some superthrive too. think it will grow? i have heard some...
  16. Eharmony420

    Can I use hydro nutes in soil?

    im am pretty sure it is higher like 6.4, i am a hydro guy so i gotta check for you. i do know that it is higher than 5.8, that is hydro!
  17. Eharmony420

    moving rooted clones

    whoa! lol, rw cubes in ebb and flo is one of the most common and cool ways to go. Ok, i say cool becasue i am. Lol, it is easy and yes they do hold a lot of water so i water less. That makes it wasy. I am watering every three days now. I go one inch to an inch and a half up the cubes in a 3x3...
  18. Eharmony420

    I want to start growing using hydroponics

    i say look on craigs list. where i am right now there is 2 peeps offering complete grow kits for like 300-400 dollars. they got lights trays timers nutes. once you get outa pot you just wanna get rid of your gear it looks like. also they got whole grow cabs, the sveral tohusand variety for under...
  19. Eharmony420

    sad/crazy/deformed 3 week old plant...

    nutes too early high ph amd possible overwatering gave my bagseed plant in rw, 4 in cubes, sypmtoms just like that. I did not find it was the light, a 400 mh, tho i had low temps and that is not to say that is not your prob. I had a mutant cola form but i clipped it and the plant has revovered...
  20. Eharmony420

    Adding Centrum Vitamins to Reservoir

    add h202. dont add the vitamin. i am guessing. i use rw, i use h202, i have not had a problem. ordr the stuff from a hydro store. it is cheap like 0 dollars for a supply that will last you several gorws. B1 is what is in superthrive. never heard about that doing anything for root rot. If you...