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  1. Urca

    drama with the girls

    lol you're the dude who always posts threads about his gf, his gfs mom, etc. always have issues with her. just keep it in your pants buddy :)
  2. Urca

    Tell me something good :)

    So whats some good music? Ive been trapped in the same old stuff for a while, looking for something new. Ill post examples of what I like.
  3. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    lmao i hate to be a bitch but hella of your lines in your tattoo are crooked, the colors are off, like its a brand new tattoo that looks washed out. should gone to a good shop and paid like 200 for a sick ass tattoo.
  4. Urca

    Philly Speak...haha...yo

    my dad is from nebraska and hates the nebraskan variation of this, "deet, yet?"
  5. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    lol like the idea but looks like someone did it out of their house, you shoulda got a better artist
  6. Urca

    Why do people enjoy kissing?

    haha true, but i was looking for the reason we enjoy it, everything our body experiences is what evolution made beneficial, like sex became pleasurable to build pair bonding, etc.
  7. Urca

    Why do people enjoy kissing?

    lmao please stay on topic
  8. Urca

    Game of Thrones

    old gods of the first men ftw!
  9. Urca

    Game of Thrones

    the books SHIT on the series on tv. but, they are both amazing. I need books 4 and 5 but been lagging on getting them
  10. Urca

    Why do people enjoy kissing?

    Ok so I was watching on the science channel called the "science of sex" and they explained why people enjoy sex, etc, from a scientific standpoint. But we all know why people enjoy kissing, as we have experienced it, but whats the science behind why we enjoy it?
  11. Urca

    where's finshaggy poll

    wow you are off your rocker. these are two different people. why do you think that they are the same? quit attacking that dude, he's not buck. no more than I am.
  12. Urca

    What's the longest beard you've grown?

    facial hair is awesome, but not a beard. I like the goatee, even like a well kept beard that's close to the face, but actual full beard i do not like.
  13. Urca

    Pan Jokes

    lol at least this lonely fat bitch understands reality. have fun with those warrants buddy. have fun being murdered or kidnapped in mexico.
  14. Urca

    Pan Jokes

    lmao this is irony in its purest form. i attack you because you're a whack job, with manic episodes and a twisted ass undertsanding of religion. and you have made three threads total saying "hate on me here" "hate on me here, part deux" and "hate on my religion here" Im not the one posting...
  15. Urca

    Pan Jokes

    attention whore. you just love to be flamed dont you? seriously, quit creating threads like this, encouraging people to "hate on pan" or hate you. it all feeds into you using this :dunce: to make yourself feel better. fuck pan fuck you happy yet?
  16. Urca

    college campuses or in general

    its shiva. and michigan seems like a good bet for some trees. uc santa cruz is great too
  17. Urca

    Do you have any tattoos?

    lol id want to be clean and sober, and for the artist to be clean and sober. afterwards is a whole other story though. just before, it seems to me that they arent being very professional...
  18. Urca

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    we had burgers and corn on the cob, with a little sausage cut up on the side, and some chips. btw, that watermelon drink would be great with vodka or maybe dragonfruit rum
  19. Urca

    apple pie

    aww thank you! :) im pretty happy with the result. lol i was just talking to my grandma the other day about trying to be a good cook for when i have kids, like she was
  20. Urca

    apple pie

    thats not "real" baking. its simple and uncomplicated, and i rarely ever do it because its not exciting to me. i enjoy doing in a little bit though because everyone loves it