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  1. Urca

    Share your creepy guy stories, ladies

    I was sitting with a friend after we had gotten out of our sociology class, we go to the local community college. Anyway, that day i had decided to wear my hair down and nice makeup, but wasnt showing any skin or anything So out of the corner of my eye i see a dude who looks like a crackhead...
  2. Urca

    The Great God Pan is Alive

    lol pan died out the same way zeus and the greek pantheon did... lost in the fires of christianity. better stick to shiva, at least a good chunk of the world acknowledges he exists, instead of a bunch of pretentious suburban neo paganists in america, as in with pan.
  3. Urca

    whats so attractive about women?

    Lol so today after class I was talking to my sister about if she ever thought about being with another girl. not as in desiring to do so, but rather if it came down to it, and the oppurtuntiy was there, would she do it? We both said no, because a woman is so different from a man. Like, when we...
  4. Urca


    this is the most recent picture of the infamous urca
  5. Urca

    I went on the worst date ever

    haha im being too picky? Why should I settle? And I thought it was gonna be good, he made me happy when we were talking, but if that doesnt translate to real life, what does it matter? he was desperate, too intense. like if he didnt like the way i looked I wouldnt begrudge him, and I didnt say...
  6. Urca

    I went on the worst date ever

    no, i met through his cousin who asked me to give him a chance. im not saying he isnt a good guy, but there was no chemistry, im sure both he and i had a terrible time.
  7. Urca

    I went on the worst date ever

    no. he didnt even really talk to me, i said three so he said ill pick you up at two, gave me a gift which i appreciated, but it was filthy upon closer inspection, looked nothing like he said, didnt tell me i was gonna pay for my own ticket, two windows opened up at the same time, and he went off...
  8. Urca

    I went on the worst date ever

    and it was terrible. The list goes: 1. Picked me up in a car that had no ac, and the passenger seatbelt didnt work. 2. Looked nothing like he was supposed to 3. Awkward 4. He didnt talk to me really except for a few attempts that ended badly. 5. Made me pay for my ticket even though he was...
  9. Urca

    Extremely happy

    its the size of a hand. On my shoulder. Its pretty small, no one ever sees it cause even a tank top covers it. :)
  10. Urca

    Extremely happy

    woo im finally 19 :)
  11. Urca

    Extremely happy

    lol i swear he's just goofy as fuck and thats super endearing.
  12. Urca

    Extremely happy

    m just taking this as it goes. This is kinda weird, cause like at first he was coming on too strong, and too intense, i told him something and he toned it down. Then, to be honest, he isnt what i would find attractive, but the more ive talked to him, the less it matters, he makes me feel really...
  13. Urca

    Extremely happy

    you gonna quit being negitive if i tell you to fuck yourself? Nope? Ok then. God i cant even be happy on here without some hazing
  14. Urca

    Extremely happy

    im not hoping for a fairy tale, just something nice that lasts as long as it's healthy
  15. Urca

    Extremely happy

    true. i guess i should man up
  16. Urca

    Extremely happy

    ouch man. wow
  17. Urca

    Extremely happy

    aha no. not at all. for some odd reason he thinks im gorgeous and funny and yeah, he pretty much wants to be my boyfriend but i wanna take my time and do it right. :)
  18. Urca

    Extremely happy

    Just thought i would share. Met a great guy who really likes me, but its not a sure thing yet. Class got canceled tomorrow, and my brother will be here in the afternoon, havent seen him since christmas, then saturday im having a party with all my friends for turning 19 on 4/21. It feels so good...
  19. Urca

    weed cookie

    I didnt make them, i bought them
  20. Urca

    weed cookie

    yeah they didnt do much. Tasted like shit, and just got me moving hella slow and i felt a difference in my body. obviously not strong