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  1. Urca

    weed cookie

    idk i bought them off of a friend
  2. Urca

    weed cookie

    ok i had two... ugh i feel a little different
  3. Urca

    weed cookie

    its been an hour and im not feeling anything
  4. Urca

    weed cookie

    ok so i just ate one, how long will it take to kick in? should I eat another one?
  5. Urca

    USA fucks up again

    you're really uninformed. we dont owe the world ANYTHING. not food aid, not cash aid. But we choose to dispense it out anyway. So when we stop feeding a country that hates our guts and is only waiting for the day that they are strong enough to attack, dont throw your hands up and cry "injustice...
  6. Urca

    A beautiful video of a very weird creature

    gave me the creeps. dont like shit like ocean documentaries. but at least i can say that aesthetically, its cool
  7. Urca

    Pick up lines

    do they really work? Ive never really had one used on me, but like I swear I see relationship articles across the internet for guys saying "use these lines to pick up a girl". It seems kind of foolish in a way, like having to pretend, or have pre-rehearsed lines. Whats wrong with sincerity? Or...
  8. Urca

    college study math test(entrance) need help please

    (b+c)^2= (b+c)*(b+c) gotta factor it out
  9. Urca

    cops shoot to kill

    too many people are shooting cops and getting shot by cops where i live. there was a riot the other day over it... makes me wanna leave my city
  10. Urca

    I want to start an Aquarium...

    why is that so fucking cool? Never seen anything like it
  11. Urca

    Was machiavelli truly machiavellian?

    I only have 900 words to work with :(
  12. Urca

    Was machiavelli truly machiavellian?

    I loved reading the prince. Hmm I think i figured out what I am going to say. That he wasnt machiavellian, at least in the sense we know it. like he was a man who espoused that a ruler must do what is nessacary to save his power, but he still advised morality and goodness with his advice to be...
  13. Urca

    Was machiavelli truly machiavellian?

    I have two papers due tomorrow morning, and I am stuck on the first one. I feel like Machiavelli wasnt truly machiavellian, but I cannot find the textual proof in the prince, most of the evidence points to him being at least in some ways like that, but also I feel like i found a few quotes that...
  14. Urca

    Ignorance is NOT bliss. It's stupidity.

    people are just lazy. they dont care. all my life, i sought out information, read, researched on my own. even if i didnt do the homework, i knew everything that was on the test. As a kid I read constantly, still do, watch learning channels and what not. People just dont want to to put the...
  15. Urca

    coughing blood.. anyone else??

    coughing up blood for an extended period of time can mean you have tb, tuberculosis, you need to get checked out
  16. Urca

    I'm going to be a daddy!

    Hey congratulations!!! Im so used to hearing people are pregnant, its refreshing to hear that the people who are expecting are actually married!! :)
  17. Urca

    bad easter

    no, the light was green when my sister was going. and i think the lady is paying for everything
  18. Urca

    bad easter

    yes! like my sister was going straight, and the dumb bitch sped up super fast to turn before my sister went straight, and drove her car right into my sister's door. My sister was in the driver's seat, she felt the car press the door into her body, and her arms are all scraped up from the air...
  19. Urca

    bad easter

    hey what hospital do you know makes a car accident victim walk out of the hospital instead of using the wheel chair? Seriously, they perscribed her tons of pain killers, muscle relaxers, and 800 mg ibprofen. like wtf? They had just given her a vicoden and made her walk out, and as she walked...
  20. Urca

    bad easter

    and i was high when i found out, not like i couldnt get high. lol sorry for the insults, im just a bit touchy over this. i try to avoid posting here, and when i did every one still came back and ripped me apart. my bad. but im happy she's not got anything long term or serious, they just have...