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  1. Urca

    What is your first name in real life?

    he didnt go to evil dr school for 8 years to be called "mr" nutz ahahahahahaha
  2. Urca

    The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

    Im seriously considering getting a membership. Regardless of the pass. 30 bucks a month. Its less than I spend on weed in a month, but its kinda hard for me to say yes when I have only 900 bucks to my name. I dont really have to pay any bills, excluding my part of the phone bill, so I have 900...
  3. Urca

    The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

    lose weight. id love to get back to dancing shape but ill still be fat, and dancing isnt cheap. So losing weight is important. I hate not being able to find clothes that I like and want to wear. Hate the way I look before I get into the shower. Plus I kinda wanna lose weight to make myself...
  4. Urca

    Why is Racism Bad?

    perhaps your confusing racism with predjuidice. Best definition of racism I have ever heard "Prejudice+Power" everyone can be prejudice, based off of skin color etc. But to claim racism there has to be some kind of systematic discrimination.
  5. Urca

    The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

    funny i see this thread today. a friend of mine gave me a 45 day pass to the gym. I am scared as fuck. I have always qualified as "obese" but back in high school, I had crazy strength in my legs, great flexiblity (able to do splits in every direction and roll throughs), I had decent stamina...
  6. Urca

    The perfect child

    lol people think of crazy things.
  7. Urca

    The perfect child

    the purpose is to have children who grow up to be our conception of happy, well adjusted, "normal'. They could have all medical problems fixed, behaviors prone to what we consider bad in our society to be conditioned away. its a terrifying thought
  8. Urca

    The perfect child

    i agree, its not about money, finland does it with less money than we do. there has to be a shift within the parents, within the society. money isnt the key, its involvement and positive reinforcement that build a good student.
  9. Urca

    The perfect child

    this raises the question of nature vs nuture. instead of engineering them in the womb, can we let them be born how they were meant to be, but mold and shape them with science to be what we want?
  10. Urca

    The perfect child

    i know its horrible. there are many pluses and minuses to genetic engineering, and all science can be used to hurt more than it helps. but i highly doubt that will happen if we fucking fix the way we educate our children, giving them a lacking education
  11. Urca

    The perfect child

    i read them for school
  12. Urca

    The perfect child

    now that is a conspiracy theory. the dude not you
  13. Urca

    The perfect child

    will you please stop replying like i actually believe what i am saying? i have said over and over this was more hypothetical rather than realistic
  14. Urca

    The perfect child

    i never said it was realistic, just conjecture. based off of discussions ive had in class. i do think there are ethical issues, but the whole dominating upper class is just speculation
  15. Urca

    The perfect child

    this has nothing to do with you.
  16. Urca

    The perfect child

    classism? i was just stating something that could hypothetically happen, i have no problem with rich people. they earned what they got. but im not talking about the people you know. im talking about hypothetical people in a world where genetic engineering is possible, and the possible outcomes...
  17. Urca

    The perfect child

    farenheit 451? i think you're thinking of a brave new world. farenheit 451 shows the impact of media and etc on society, a lessening of intelligence and rules
  18. Urca

    The perfect child

    the rich would have the engineered babies, the poor would breed inferior babies, fuck, they could even have certain genes introduced into their gene pool.
  19. Urca

    The perfect child

    lol i know, people fight when they know they are endangered
  20. Urca

    Please understand I do not believe in or espouse what I am saying, I am giving hypothetical...

    Please understand I do not believe in or espouse what I am saying, I am giving hypothetical consequences. I agree with you for the most part!