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  1. Urca

    The perfect child

    in this situation, there would be no choice. it would kind of happen naturally, with a large group of people interbreeding and being watered down, centralizing disease within this population. It'd make a fabulous book, enough to compete with huxley :)
  2. Urca

    The perfect child

    hypothetically they wouldnt really have a choice or really even know what was going on before too late. i like speculating, but i doubt it will happen
  3. Urca

    The perfect child

    like i said, I dont believe it, just hypothetical. Please dont attack me on my critical thinking, its just a conjecture
  4. Urca

    The perfect child

    hmm ok here's another idea, most cultures on the planet prefer male children, doesnt matter the race. if they could afford it, they'd engineer a boy... will we have a world full of and for men, with the few women allowed to be born to be used as breeders? A woman would be sent back to the past...
  5. Urca

    The perfect child

    this is just conjecture. a hypothetical situation. i doubt the rich would actually do that
  6. Urca

    The perfect child

    lol heph read my new edit
  7. Urca

    The perfect child

    if people are bred to be less intelligent than rich babies, then they will think its life as usual to live, work, die, with some joys and freedoms, but not like the way the rich babies will be, who will be the inventors, the politicians, the leaders, etc. we're creating a new world order. the...
  8. Urca

    The perfect child

    who says they have a choice? Im not saying its gonna happen, but you have to look at the potential consequences. And ww, its entirely possible that in non developed countries that coporations with a vested interest in having cheap, vast amounts of labor. even countries would have an interest in...
  9. Urca

    The perfect child

    if you can remove bad genes, why not introduce them to maintain power and status? Wouldnt you want a mass orde of subintelligent, sickly people who are less likely to rebel?
  10. Urca

    The perfect child

    yeah, like rich people tend to breed with other rich people, and poor people tend to have more children... so the rich have the ability to remove all genetic defects, while the poor are left the bad genes, mass reproduced, and maybe even the powerful will introduce bane genteics into the lower...
  11. Urca

    The perfect child

    im not saying because they're wealthy that they shouldnt be allowed, its the ethics of being able to breed a sub class of workers, and a class of rulers.
  12. Urca

    The perfect child

    I can give a valid argument, we talked about it in my bio class. if we have the ability to design our babies, make them perfectly healthy, with no flaws in their genes, it will only be availiable to the rich. we would have this super class of healthy, smart, beautiful people, who could...
  13. Urca


    man i want to go there. so beautiful
  14. Urca


    meh on summer break and cant sleep
  15. Urca


    haha id get burned to a crisp. super milky white here
  16. Urca


    lol i love weed. and maybe we're in the eye of the storm
  17. Urca


    great thing about the internet, allowed to make vast assumptions on the small amount of information given
  18. Urca


    i never said anything about them, just about your seemingly large amounts of spare time despite the fact you have them. and id never personally attack your kids on the internet. thats too low a blow for this fat bitch
  19. Urca


    lmao you're gonna track me down and fight me? hahaha or blow up my facebook with hate? this is the internet, not much you can do outside of it that wont cause legal trouble or make you look batshit insane
  20. Urca


    as for finding someone to fuck me, i get the offers, but unlike alot of people i choose to wait for someone i can trust, not just know for an hour, a day, a week. dont want any stds or kids.