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  1. Urca


    haha every thread? funny. havent even talked about it in a long time.
  2. Urca


    sex is normal. making every thread about you and sex isnt.
  3. Urca


    yup i did start it, doesnt faze me. not jealous, just fed up.
  4. Urca


    lol so to recap. you attack me about my weight and virginity, instead of the merits of my posts. lovely. off to incessant bullshit you shall go.
  5. Urca


    first impressions last. and my feelings arent even really based off that one instance, your fucking patronizing heph, your constant referrals to sex, just i cant fucking stand listening to your self satisfied bullshit
  6. Urca


    thats exactly what i fucking said.
  7. Urca


    haha you hella misread that. like seriously. you inserted some crazy ass undertones to something meant to be supportive. so lets hear more stories about your crazy ass sex stories they'll give you the attention you seem to crave
  8. Urca


    if i do, can i get 10,000 dollars. haha dude i have no problem with you
  9. Urca


    haha your on some real good crack. i never attacked her about her relationship once. all i said was that kuroi could meet someone like matt and be happy. she attacked me and so did you. not only that but i didnt say shit about her picking on me, those people saw what kind of patronizing...
  10. Urca


    lol all i said was she met some one on here and so could kuroi, and you fucking attacked me like a rabid dog for implying that she was desperate. she was picking on me, so were you, you crammed your head so far up her vage to make some friends on here it was sad.
  11. Urca


    easy when you fuck anything with human genatalia
  12. Urca


    oh totally, can i join the remorseless whore club who fucks anything that attracts her interests? you really think i forgot how you first came her raging thunder at me for daring to disagree with april? and you post nonsense bs all day. patronizing, always two cents in. no one gives a fuck.
  13. Urca


    when i squirt out 4 kids like you, i hope i can still have as much time as you do to spend all day on here. and.. lol you know what? gloves off here's my real opinion of you. attention whore, ingratiating and patronizing. i cant stand it when you post cause it seems so fake.
  14. Urca


    lmao its not about being a virgin, but nice turn around.
  15. Urca


    lol not trying to be a bitch, but you got 2,000 posts in like 5 months... and you make every thread about you and you sexuality or whatever... can we get off the rainbow self insertion into every convo train and stick to a topic that everyone doesnt cringe at.... like your sex life for example...
  16. Urca


    lol you're weird rainbow.
  17. Urca


    lol central california... plenty of crazy mean dogs and crazy fun people
  18. Urca


    weda means white girl.
  19. Urca


    pinche gringa is usually how we hear it out here. when they mean white girl in a good way, they'll call you weda.
  20. Urca


    lmao out here in california its derogatory.