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  1. Urca

    Gordon Ramsay knows his shit!

    I saw the beef wellington episode around xmas. great chef
  2. Urca

    Joint help

    I had a thread like this some time last year when I couldnt roll either. Practice practice practice. For me, the learning to tuck extra paper was easy. So place all your weed into the paper. Roll between fingers for correct thickness and length. Then, act like your folding the paper. The side...
  3. Urca

    blunts vs joints?

    lmao aint that the truth. I actually have one but it doesnt work :/ it was a gift and it doesnt even bubble.
  4. Urca

    blunts vs joints?

    Yeah the bong is better than both, but I cant own one due to my living situation. Blunts are a bitch to flip unless you have the right swisher though
  5. Urca

    blunts vs joints?

    your opinion? im better at rolling joints, but blunts get me higher so its like 50/50 for me
  6. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    true, i should have just kept my mouth shut, i cant change his skin, and I didnt mean to get all worked up, I just didnt like to be slammed for disagreeing. As long as he likes it, thats all that matters
  7. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    um im here because i smoke weed. like everyone else. why else would i be here?
  8. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    yeah. he's a god with a human body and elephant head
  9. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    called a mudra. look it up. its a hindu hand signal for fearlessness. ganesh always has one hand like that.
  10. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    those are photo realistic. i asked for something with a traditional feel. complete difference.
  11. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    your right. i should have just left it alone. cant change it now.
  12. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    what picture aere you talking about? there's only one where my real cleavage shows. class and personality? are you fucking kidding me? mario's arm is wavy, two pupils different sizes and angles, the shoes are fucked up, the pot for the plant isnt even three dimensional, thanks to the lines...
  13. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    wow there is nothing wrong with my tattoo. and its not shoulder cleavage, thats my boob im laying on that got shoved up. And tell the op to get a cover up. Not the person with the actual decent tattoo.
  14. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    its on my shoulder. and you must be on something. i do need a touch up to make the reds in his shiva lines brighter, but the line work is good. Thick, steady, not crooked.
  15. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    i never said the theme was bad, just the execution.
  16. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    haha thats a fucking joke. all those lines are good. this is before color. so suck on that. as for color, it had to heal, the picture in my avatar was taken as soon as it was done. This was earlier today, fully healed compared to this guys tattoo:
  17. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    lmao just because you dont like me doesnt mean my tattoo sucks.
  18. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    yeah ill stop being mean. I just got into an argument with some other people recently about not spending only small amounts of money in a shitty shop to get a peice of crap, I saved up for mine, and like I hate to see people with ugly tats that could have been great. I'll hold my peice though, i...
  19. Urca

    wat do you think of the new tattoo??

    lmao dont hate on my tattoo, I paid for the quality. Its my back btw. And he should have paid more, cause in the end he got a shitty tattoo. Its hella crooked.
  20. Urca

    She trying to screw or is she just crazy always posting about your gf.