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  1. Urca

    bad easter

    its really hard to see your sister sobbing in pain all day after being in a car accident, and she felt like she ruined easter, and was feeling guilty. Who here would say that constituted a good easter? She did nothing wrong, she just barely got her license, now her car is totaled and she cant...
  2. Urca

    bad easter

    um it was a bad easter not because i couldnt get high, but that fact that my sister had to be taken to the hospital, easter is supposed to be a happy day, but all i did was cry. what jack asses to jump to conclusions
  3. Urca

    bad easter

    had the worst Easter. ever. went to the park to get high, and get a call that my sister was in a car accident. her car was totaled, but at least she wasnt injured beyond bruises and deep soreness. She's been sobbing in pain all day. if it had been a normal average day, i could have been in the...
  4. Urca

    I want to join the U.S. Navy. Advice? Opinions?

    hey i know you dont like me much, but i was just in my sociology class on monday, and a guy was talking about his job as military police in the army. Basically they told him that it would transfer to civilian life, he'd be able to use it out in the work world. So he did his time and did great at...
  5. Urca

    Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

    lovethe art history reference, would not like me give you rep
  6. Urca

    George Zimmerman

    Zimmerman should have just called the cops, and let them handle it, but by killing that boy, he was immeadiately wrong. But thats assuming his self defense story is true. Which it seems kinda fake, so then all we are left with is a murder of an un-armed boy
  7. Urca

    Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

    yeah and except for calling spike lee an idiot. god what a douche
  8. Urca

    Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

    you really need to get off your high horse. this is riu not a book. get with it or get out. paragraphs can contain the same idea, who would have thought?
  9. Urca

    George Zimmerman

    Guns are not the issue, its the death of a young boy. You're trying to cover it with a guise of self defense, but regardless of what Zimmerman claims, a boy is still dead, and he cant reasonably prove it was self defense. Btw, how is it self defense if you shoot someone whose back is turned to...
  10. Urca


    going to class, getting high with my brother and sister, and then going to sleep so I can have the strength to party all day on 4/21, when ill be 19. Lol id celebrate 4/20 more vigorously, but Id prefer to party it up on my brithday
  11. Urca

    Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

    paragraphs are the most basic part of writing, and even if they are the same thought, one big block of words is more difficult to read than two or three paragraphs
  12. Urca

    George Zimmerman

    regardless of whether or not martin attacked first, or even punched zimmerman, a grown man shot a boy in a dispute, and is walking free. That is not right no matter what color skin one has. A murder has been committed and now we let the rule of law take over, where it fails we must compell it...
  13. Urca

    Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

    blah blah blah. we all know spike lee is a douche for this, and honestly, he's doing it for attention, and should get in some kind of trouble for this. What about our implied right to privacy? He's just violated that. Spike Lee is an arrogant douche bag who makes his money off of being...
  14. Urca

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    just cause you can get away with it doesnt mean it wont hurt her feelings
  15. Urca

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    no, its not, and it will make you look like a selfish prick if you ask. "like yeah you just had major surgery, combined with going through labor, and your baby is in the hospital, but yeah im bother we cant have sex and you suck dick terribly"
  16. Urca

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    I love ganjames post.
  17. Urca

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    do not fuck her for a while. my mom didnt think she'd get pregnant so quickly after having my sister, but then 5 months later she was pregnant with me and my brother, and you do not want 3 kids under the age of two. anywho, you're young and your lady just popped out a baby. still in high...
  18. Urca

    writing papers sucks

    gave you all the information I was given. we are two states equal in power, and im given a choice whether or not to attack them arbitraily, based off of whats best for me, and the possibility that they might attack me. Its an anarchial world, and i guess i have to assume that they want whats in...
  19. Urca

    writing papers sucks

    yes, the prisoner's dilemma. Its for my political philosophy class, since we are reading Hobbes. Also, it came with a second question that i cant solve. It says im a represenative of state a, and there is another state close by, that is equal in power, called state b. We coexist in an...
  20. Urca

    What do you do

    you can drop dead and quit harrassing me *Urca